
What the Fic?!

Monday July 30, 2012 at 11:13 AM


Sneak Peek

Monday July 30, 2012 at 8:46 AM

HELLO CAMPERS! Happy Monday :)

Pardon being MIA last week, got scatterbrained and forgot to post

thank goodness for LJ Summers, yes?

But now we're back on track and I'm ready to see your peeks!

So come inside and share them

Remember, you can share ANYTHING you're working on

from any fandom

Jumped ship and joined a new place and started writing for it?

Give us a little taste!

Who knows, maybe you can get some campers to dip their feet into something new?

While you're at it, maybe show me what you've been listening to lately!

~Don't forget to include the link to your fic(s)~


Happy Monday

Monday July 30, 2012 at 8:04 AM


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week. The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy.

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum. If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.

So come on in and see who won the crown this week!


Facts ahoy!

Monday July 30, 2012 at 6:41 AM

Blow me down, an article that might contain actual real facts.  Maybe.

From the LA times:  http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/moviesnow/la-et-mn-kristen-stewart-20120730,0,4338032.story

At first, the paparazzo didn't recognize the middle-aged man who slipped discreetly into Kristen Stewart's Mini Cooper. All he knew was that the guy wasn't her boyfriend, Robert Pattinson.

But as Stewart and her passenger approached Pacific View Trail, it quickly became clear that they were more than friends when the pair started pawing each other like teenagers in the"Twilight"star's car.

The photographer started snapping images and called his agency, FameFlyNet Pictures, to request backup. Soon, three additional shutterbugs were also trailing the couple.

But it wasn't until the photographers uploaded their photos back at the office that they realized just what a sensational scoop they had uncovered. After pulling up some pictures from the premiere of"Snow White and the Huntsman,"it became clear that Stewart's makeout buddy was Rupert Sanders, 41, who had directed the 22-year-old in the adaptation of the fairy tale.

"That was when we realized, 'Oh, my God, she's not just cheating on Rob — this guy is married and has kids,'" recalled Scott Cosman, the owner of FameFlyNet. "It was pretty scandalous, and it had so many different angles to it." 

The rest in the comments.  Nothing new here, except perhaps the names of the scummy papz and press, making their livings off the pain of others...


The Best You Ever Read

Monday July 30, 2012 at 12:36 AM

I want you to tell me about the best sex you've ever ... read.


Can you think of some of the best sex scenes in fan-fiction?

Or fics that just have sex that's really well-written throughout?


What makes it so great?

Is it detailed and graphic and oh-so-hot? Or vague and sensual? Or more of an emotional thing?


I'm really curious, lovelies!


Come inside and tell me about your favourite sex scenes ..




And a rec, 'cause I can never remember when I'm supposed to include one, and I just like pimping stuff anyway.

We Were Here. by lola-pops. Upon waking, there's a brief, blissful period in which you don't yet recall the sins of the night before, but eventually, you have to open your eyes. I'm Bella Swan, seventeen years old, cheerleader. This morning I woke up in the wrong bed.




Contests anyone? Where are they?

Sunday July 29, 2012 at 11:56 PM

I use to love hearing about and reading contest entries. Sometimes I'm in a one-shot mood and I love getting to the gist of things all at once. And on the same theme topic - AOE it's gonna have some historical flame, pop the question so a wedding is the theme, man in uniform, Edward has to be some kind of professional athlete, whatever.

 I'm really hooked on the similar themes in fics so contests tend to satisfy that craving nicely.

Have contests died all together? I can't remember the last time I went fic diving and saw one shots for a contest.  But I do see lots of notes about donating to fandom4 whatever the nonprofit. Contests use to be everywhere and now they're not.

Have contests been replaced by compilations one shots you can only get by donating to something? I see these promoted a good deal (not that it's bad) but I did use to see lots of ANs or whatever mentioning hosting a contest or having an entry or something.

Has there been some bad blood with contests because they use to be seriously everywhere or at least everyone seemed to be a judge in one and now nothing?

The last contest I can remember that was like a giant ensemble cast of who's who authors as judges was an angst contest. I think The Season of Discontent or something like that.

I remember the judge list being pretty lengthy and the entries being very lengthy there were so many in that one. Now nobody's a judge in anything and no ones entering anything. What happened?

Are some still around? Anonymous, open, whatever. What contests do you wish would happen? Have you lost interest in contests? Aren't they similar to writing for a compilation? You write it in a given time span and send it in by the closing date so it can be released?


As a rec (if it's needed not sure) but just in general. I wouldn't have ever found this wonderful fic or author in Rochelle Allison if not for a great contest. The Age of Edward.

It's Belfast, N.Ireland and the year is 1972. Bella's worried about her brother and his best friend, Edward, and their dangerous involvement in the Irish Republican Army. Is it really wise to fall in love with a rebel? Rated M.


Effing up. Yeh.

Sunday July 29, 2012 at 6:52 PM

Okay, so with all these campfires concerning Robsten, I'm in the mood for something new.

Tell me when you screwed up. Royally. Share your stories, show me how human you are. I'll be posting mine when I can think of a good one....

PNW Luna


Sunday July 29, 2012 at 6:34 PM

In honor of recent events, I've been listening to The Blues.  Please come inside and post your favorite.  Here is one of my all time faves:


Deja Vu

Sunday July 29, 2012 at 4:27 PM

Erm ... didn't we just have this discussion last night right here in the forest?  Are we being stalked by Hollywood Life?  Spooky.


Kristen Stewart Left Friendless After Cheating On Robert Pattinson


Girl Gots No Frands...


"affair began awhile ago" says Leopold Ross

Sunday July 29, 2012 at 4:03 PM

So far it's been sources after sources but now Liberty Ross's brother speaks out?

The daily Celebitchy. I love how they link everything from everywhere all convenient.

Kristen Stewart & Rupert Sanders’ affair went on for months, sources say

Leopold said: “She made some sacrifices for something she thought was worth it, now she knows, right? Five minutes from her home.

“Doubt it was worth it but it’s life. It might actually make things better in the long run. She wasn’t that happy for a while, but our family is close, she’ll be all right.”


ETA: Michael Sanders said something earlier in the week about it being nothing but he's the father of the cheater so he would support his son no matter what.

I find it interesting when family says something. Usually it's a wayward, fame seeking cousin or out of the loop family member trying to get their 15 mins but her brother? Not brother in law or sister's ex who might just want to stir the pot but her brother? Hmm. Is this a brother in the loop or a black sheep sibling trying to get his 15 mins for his music (apparently he's a musician).

Wayward cousins might not have any loyalty but a sibling? Make it seem more plausible doesn't it? Unless he's on the fringe.


Angry Edward

Sunday July 29, 2012 at 3:15 PM

Anyone else having a tough time reading fics? I just realized that angry Edward stories have been the only ones I can digest. Katinki's "An Angry Man" fits the bill. Easy to imagine an Edward full of conflict and aggression at the moment. Can anyone else relate? Would love other angry Edward stories that would fit the bill. Need to collect those for this rainy week.

Fic Rec:

An Angry Man by katinki Twilight u:07-24-2012 - COMPLETE. Edward is a bitter, angry man, a man suffering the sins of his past. An emotional & physical recluse, he pushes everyone away. That is, until Bella, a mysterious woman with her own demons, moves in and forces him to face himself. AH. +07-25-2012

Dear Rangers...only have my iPad today and could not figure out how to make my fic link live. Also if my campfire is appropriate for today. Sorry! 


Getting up to speed

Sunday July 29, 2012 at 12:46 PM

As some of you know, I was on 'vacation' all last week. 'Vacation', for me, was the middle of nowhere in Wisconsin. There was no television, no internet, and no phone. My entertainment looked like so:

I hiked, I biked, I swam and boated. I became quite a good archer and read a LOT. BUT I HAD NO CONTACT WITH THE OUTSIDE WORLD. 

Now, I get back and it seems as though something BIG HAPPENED IN THE FANDOM!

I could go through all of my emails (literally hundreds) and all of the campfire comments (omg, literally thousands) or I could ASK YOU TO SUM THINGS UP FOR YOUR DEAR OLD RANGER PAL.

What I would like from you is a quick breakdown of everything that happened this week. I NEED pictures, comments, links, thoughts, feelings, whatever you wish to convey what happened. This needs to be a cliffs notes cf because I don't want to read through everything I JUST WANT THE GOOD STUFF. You can link or whatever, but please, help a girl out! 

Give me the high points and the low points. Give me the funny and the not. I just need to catch up!


Nobody's home

Sunday July 29, 2012 at 11:56 AM

Deserted: The drive to the property was later vacant with the gates closed.

Darn, look at that newspaper just laying in the driveway.  All by its lonesome. 


ETA:  What the heck was going on here?  I completely missed this.  Who is she *&^*^ at here?



New Ship

Sunday July 29, 2012 at 11:26 AM

So, since this craziness started, I've already started to pair Rob off with a new woman for when he gets over his "great" love gone broken. Just think of the possibilities!

I am currently shipping the JenBert coupling. I SERIOUSLY WANT TO SEE THIS HAPPEN! They would be perfect for each other.

Come inside and play match maker. Who do you think would make a nice couple with Rob? Who should he look to date next?

This is my 1st CF. Ahhhhhh!





ETA: I agree he should be by himself for a while and that a rebound would not be wise. I am more interested in knowing who looks good for him for the future--when his heart and head are free, or as free as they're capable of being.


Twihard Meltdown, day... I lost count

Sunday July 29, 2012 at 10:18 AM


Twilight temptress Kristen Stewart’s fling with a married British movie director went on for months, his ¬family claimed yesterday.
The tearful actress, 22, whose cheating has devastated her long-time lover and Twilight vampire co-star Robert Pattinson, claims she had only “a momentary indiscretion” with Rupert Sanders.
But relatives of Rupert, 41, who saw her gazing adoringly at him ¬during the premiere of Snow White and the Huntsman on May 29, suspect the affair went on much longer.
Pictures have also emerged of the pair looking cosy in a restaurant in Berlin on May 15.
Rupert’s actress-and-model wife Liberty Ross, 33, who plays Kristen’s mother in the Snow White movie and was at the premiere, believes the “fling” started during filming last year.
Liberty’s younger brother Leopold, a British rock ¬guitarist based in Los Angeles, insisted: “It was from the last half of filming and all through post-production, clear into last week.”
Leopold revealed the anger felt by his sister, who met Rupert when she was a teenager and left Britain so her husband could make a career in Hollywood while she looked after children Sklya Lily, seven, and Tennyson, five.
Leopold said: “She made some sacrifices for something she thought was worth it, now she knows, right? Five minutes from her home.
“Doubt it was worth it but it’s life. It might actually make things better in the long run. She wasn’t that happy for a while, but our family is close, she’ll be all right.”
Meanwhile sources close to American beauty Kristen claim she cheated on London-born hunk Robert, 26, because of jealousy over his friendship with ¬another co-star.
Robert became close to Australian actress Emilie de Ravin, 30, while filming Remember Me in 2009. They stayed friends and he was a shoulder to cry on when the former Lost actress’s ¬marriage to actor Josh Janowi hit the rocks.
A source close to Kristen said: “She found it difficult to cope with Robert being close friends with another woman.
“As their friendship grew, she ¬became more envious to the point that she would be very upset. They struck up their friendship when they were working away in New York and Kristen was still living in Los Angeles.
“Nothing romantic ever happened between them but it didn’t make Kristen feel any better about them being so close. Emilie was at a very low ebb. She was going through a split and she and Robert made one another laugh.
“They would socialise together away from the set too. They would spend their evenings together in bars and restaurants while they were in New York.”
Emilie, who played Robert’s on-screen lover, said at the time: “He’s a lovely guy. I read the script three weeks before they started shooting. I flew to New York to test with Rob and we immediately got along. We had instant great chemistry, which is not an easy thing to come by.”


ETA: I wonder if the Tumbr madness will slow down any time soon. What d'ya guys say? I can't help but laugh/cringe whenever I visit tumblr tags of Robsten, Kristen Stewart, etc.

Even ONTD has a post about it now. lol

lil leelee

Emancipation Proclamation Pdf?

Sunday July 29, 2012 at 10:12 AM

hey im still quite new to the whole campfire. this is mostly a request ive been thinking of fanfictions i loved but didnt save them on pdf and sadly got away :(:(.

one i'm totally gutted about is emancipation proclamation. i know the author published the book under sempre and i will be purchasing it for my kindle for one of my vacation books but after reading the prologue on the author website and how long the original story was i know they will be quite a few changes and missing scenes.

so my request is that i was wondering if anyone know where i can find a pdf download of if anyone would be willing to share me theres.

any responses would be much appreciated

thank you


What the Fic?!

Sunday July 29, 2012 at 9:51 AM


Ships I once sailed

Sunday July 29, 2012 at 7:26 AM

I was fond of these now-defunct couples, once upon a time (when the internet and I didn't follow their every move).  Recognize them?

And a fantasy ship I  might have written fanfic for:

Any ships you wish had never sunk?


I interrupt this crisis in progress....

Sunday July 29, 2012 at 1:49 AM

To wish my offspring, The Offspring, a very happy belated birthday.


It was July 27th, but things were flying fast and furious (and still kinda are) and said

offspring was away at camp. 

She's home now and I want to wish her a very happy belated birthday!


She turned TWENTY.




She's overcome so many serious obstacles in her life, I am so very proud of her!


Happy Birthday!!!   


   I love you very much.


And I know your sister wants it to be her birthday too, but she will just have to wait a month.

Remember you are 20 and she's 7. *insert srs mom look*




Who else has a birthday on?  Let's celebrate!


More inside!


Favorite fictional female character

Saturday July 28, 2012 at 7:42 PM

So I think sometimes it can hard to tell the difference between our favorite female characters and the actresses that play them. Sometimes it can be easy to project who we see these characters as on the actresses portraying them. Which really isn't fair. Anyway....what I want to know is who are your favorite fictional FEMALE characters?! Who did you want to grow up to be? Who has the characteristics you love? What do you love about them? For me it will always be Tammy Taylor from Friday Night Lights.

I would post a pic if I had any idea how to do that on my iPhone. :( If you do please tell me. Tammy is so strong. In a football obsessed town she knows who she is and what she stands for. She loves her family fiercely and she disagrees with her husband sometimes but she always supports him. She's strong and kind and I just love her. Your favs?

my iPhone cuts off tags after A so went with what worked the most. If you have any suggestions please share here. oh and since I choose FNL if you just want to comment on football that is cool too! :)/p>

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