
Throwing around ideas

Saturday July 28, 2012 at 5:48 PM

If this is inappropriate then feel free to delete, I figured since it was fic related and still the weekend it would be okay? *crosses fingers*

I was browsing around on facebook and came across some picture about that Chika filla place (I'm British so I don't know much about it other than they sound like poopy faces) But it was the comments that shocked me, I was amazed at some of the ignorant crap some of them were saying. And it got me thinking... why haven't we had a fandom for Pride or LGBT rights? 

So the reason for this campfire is that I have no idea how to go about making a fandom for type thing. Would anyone be able to offer advice? Would any one be interested in a thing like this? What charities would be good to raise money for? 

This fandom might get a bad rep sometimes... but it does some amazing things. 

Please use this campfire to offer helpfull advice! Orrrrr give some fics related to the subject at hand! Got any slash recs? Fem Slash? How about a fic about a Bi character? Anyone know of any fic with a trans character? 

Im going to give you a rec as well! The first slash/fem slash/poly fic I ever read!


summary: Bella, Edward, Jasper, and Alice are on their way to Las Vegas for Emmett's wedding. What happens when they stop off at a hotel? Bella and Alices reveal a secret and things start to heat up. MATURE SMUT. AH. One-shot. 2nd Entry for Summer of Smut Contest.


Bossward Fic List

Saturday July 28, 2012 at 5:33 PM

Ok, so I have seen the Lawyerward Fic Lists, the Doctorward lists, Daddywards. What I am looking for is Bosswards. I want to see a man in control!

He can be a nice boss, a jerk, big corporate company and even a small little business. 

Rules as usual: Simple Rec and No discussions 

My Rec: To Destroy by walkingwithgiants- In the words of Abe Lincoln, "The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend." Bella works for a man that makes her teeth grind. "My boss is an asshole," she cried.


bye bye bye!

Saturday July 28, 2012 at 4:44 PM




Saturday July 28, 2012 at 3:51 PM

When I heard about the death at Comic-Con, I thought it did not bode well for BD2 coming up.  Sure enough, the cheating scandal happened.  In the past, I’ve had first instances of bad things, followed by something worst.  When we went on a cruise, we opened our cabin door for the first time, and there was a ship guy zipping up his pants quickly.  Gross, I thought, what a great way to start a vacation, I hope nothing else happens.  In a couple of days, I got a virus and was quarantined for a few days.  On another vacation, I was at a wedding and I fell on the church steps.  Again, I thought, what bad thing is going to happen next? A couple of days later, we missed our flight for the next part of our vacation.  Maybe I’m just being overly sensitive and connecting events that are merely coincidence.  A strange one was when I was thinking about how I hate having gum stuck on my shoe.  At lunchtime, I went out for a walk in the park, and sure enough, I got gum stuck on my shoe.  I walk in that park every day, and I’ve never had that happen to me before.  It freaks me out sometimes. Like in one of my comments I posted earlier, I said I like conspiracy theories, so I don’t know if it’s my over active imagination or what. 

Does anyone have premonitions/gut-feelings/whatever you call it,  about something bad will happen, and it does?


Yes, another cf about this.

Saturday July 28, 2012 at 1:53 PM

Hello people. Okay, so I'm more of a lurker myself, and this would be my first cf, but somehow I have this urge to let all this out. I know there have already been around 20 campfires on the same topic already, so please bear with me on this one. 

Most of the people in the world seem to be treating this so-called 'Cheatergate' as a black and white issue. And while it may be many things - disgusting, revolting, sad, depressing, funny, stupid - black and white, it is not. 

Firstly, many people seem to be unaware of the fact that almost everything in Hollywood is fake. Not just relationships, marriages and friendships too. Now, I am NOT saying that Robsten was/is fake, nor am I saying that Liberty Ross and Rupert Sanders's marriage is fake. What I am saying, is that there are many possibilities which I haven't seen mentioned around here. 

Since this cf's front page might be very very long if I list them out here, I'll just do so inside. If anyone wants to join this cf, feel free to do so. But please remember, NO HATE! For anyone! This is a friendly cf and is not a place for anyone to issue death threats or any other remotely violent thoughts!

Rangers, please feel free to delete the cf if I've done something wrong.

RANGER EDIT-Your CF is fine-we encourage discussion on this topic and welcome all POV's. Just an FYI-we NEVER allow anyone to post death or violence threats at any time here in the forest. Please alert us IMMEDIATELY if that happens. Thank you


New Avi Party!

Saturday July 28, 2012 at 11:53 AM

So...  I need a new avi.  Anyone else?  


Did you get a new avi?  Show it off!

Do you need a new one?  Ask for opinions or help!

Maybe you know a great source for cool pictures or great avis!  Share it!

Or post pics that you think would make a great avi.  Maybe someone can snag a new one!



Come on in and let's have an AVI PARTY!


THANK YOU to everyone who posted beautiful rain pictures and especially to nmkk for coloring my umbrella!  :D

Keep posting fun pics, you never know who else might need one! :)



Saturday July 28, 2012 at 10:47 AM

There's been plenty of talk already about this particular matter, but I just want to raise a question:


I've never been a Robsten, I've never even liked Kristen Stewart actually. But come on - she's not a very good actress. She did seemed to like Rob - A LOT. And she's always been very very private about everything in her life, not only him. During an interview, she was paranoid to go to a dinner alone afraid of someone twitting her location. And now she goes having an affair with a married man, she goes make out in a car, windows rolled out, in several locations around LA.

My point is: do you think maybe there's something more than being an adulterer going on with her? As in - does she may have a serious condition? Or do you think she's plain selfish?

Come and share your thoughts.


What the Fic?!

Saturday July 28, 2012 at 10:09 AM


Our Predictions of their reactions

Friday July 27, 2012 at 6:26 PM

So since this is FFA and I have a big question, I thought I would post it here to my favorite people.


What do you think the rest of the cast is thinking right now? They don't have to be serious reactions if you don't want. In fact I think we could use some silliness so give me your thoughts and predictions on Kellan's, Ashley's, Jackson's, all of them and what they are thinking about breaking Robsten.


London Olympics

Friday July 27, 2012 at 6:22 PM

In the theme of the London Olympics I would love Fanfiction Stories of the Medieval times. Like Prince edward or King Edward with a Lost and poor Bella. Thanks :D 


RECONMENDATION- I loved this story!! 

Unexpected Circumstances
Author: Savage7289 PM
When a knight from another kingdom wins his choice of bride, he claims the handmaid instead of the princess. Isabella finds herself married and tossed into the middle of political schemes. What happens when she can't give him the one thing he must have?
Rated: Fiction M - English - Angst/Romance - Bella & Edward - Chapters: 39 - Words: 245,857 - Reviews: 23,977 - Favs: 9,553 - Follows: 7,935 - Updated: 11-11-11 - Published: 11-22-10 - Status: Complete - id: 6496709



Youtube Link Help and Ian:)

Friday July 27, 2012 at 5:28 PM

Sorry if this has been asked so many times...BUUUUT...

I've been trying to figure out how to link in a youtube video with the video actually showing on a comment and so far I've come up empty. Please someone tell me how to do it? 

Random Thoughts:

Does anyone else seem to think Ian Somerhalder is..idk..there's just something about him to me that's not off-putting..but..idk what I'm even trying to say...

Maybe it has to do with the fact that he always looks so..smarmy..to me..idk I can't think of a better word..I mean..look at him..



He's definitely pretty to look at..but for some reason..this smile just makes me want to slap him or kiss him..I  can't really figure it out..

its like this is his trademark Blue Steel look..except he cooly plays it off with a nice" i-know-all-your-dirty-secrets smirk".. honestly..i can't think of him without thinking of Zoolander or a husky 

NGL though..this last one makes me want to "aww" and snuggle with them



London Olympics 2012

Friday July 27, 2012 at 2:37 PM

What do we think of the opening ceremony so far?



RANGER EDIT: Thanks so much for making this fabulous campfire! Please post all gossip, information, pictures, observations, commentaries in this thread. 



Friday July 27, 2012 at 1:25 PM

Hey guys! So I'm a bit bummed about this whole Rob/Kristen thing-not because I was such a big shipper before, but because I hate to see Rob (and the wife and kids of the director) getting a broken heart and being thrown into so much turmoil.

Still, I'm being a silly fan and am trying not to become obsessed with it. Seriously,wtf is wrong with me? I don't even know the man in real life, geez!

Anyway, come in and distract me! What movies/shows/books are you obsessed with/loving right now? A fanfic, please someone rec some good fanfic! HP,Twiligiht, Hunger Games, anything!

I'm currently in love with the Fever series (Helllooo Jericho Barrons!) and SO in love with Game of Thrones. Seriously.

Also, I'm leaving this video up for Rob. Heard it on the radio today and was like, "how appropriate!" I just know he was a closet Nsync fan back in the day lol!


Save the Pearls?

Friday July 27, 2012 at 12:41 PM

Has anyone heard about this? cause this is ridiculous.

Save the Pearls is a vanity published YA novel trying to bill itself as the next “The Hunger Games.” The publisher says that “‘Save the Pearls turns the tables on racism.’”
It uses blackface as a plot device.

In author Victoria Foyt’s futuristic world, no one wants to mate with white people—or “pearls”—considered to be the ugliest humans oppressed by people of color. In order to survive, they must put on blackface make up to be attractive to the ruling class of “coals.” Hoyt explains: “their stunningly dark skin that carries the greatest amount of melanin…makes them the strongest, most powerful race alive.” The protagonist is a white girl who must smear her face with “midnight luster” make up in order to protect herself from radiation and in order to look beautiful to the oppressive “coals” in hopes that they will mate with her.

The rule in Eden’s post-apocalyptic world is: the darker the skin, the higher the mate-rate. Other factors calculated into one’s mate-rate include wealth or employment status. For example, Ronson Bramford, a handsome Coal titan of industry, is at the top of the heap with a mate rate of 98%. At age twenty-two, he only has two years left in which to mate—or else he’d probably have a 100% mate-rate. Tiger’s-Eyes, or Latinos, usually rate above Ambers, or Asians, in the future race wars. White-skinned Pearls offer little resistance to The Heat, and therefore, are at the bottom. Only a Cotton, or Albino, would be lower.” - "source"


There's a video on the official site of a girl doing blackface and crying about being white. Honestly, I'm just...wow. What's your take on this?



Friday July 27, 2012 at 10:06 AM

I am so glad it is FFA time! Maybe we can all shift and talk about something new, I know what a concept. 

So, in light of what has occurred, what is your comfort food when you are sad, depressed, ragey or just over emotional?

Is it ice cream, salty stuff, greasy stuff or are you a person that has no appetite in these situations? Show us some pics!

If you have your on concoction of something tell us about it, I have one my daughter does just for snack, I will share inside.  



Roadtrip music needed

Friday July 27, 2012 at 9:30 AM

So this is my marathon roadtrip weekend. I get off work at 7:30am and on the road to Macon,GA by 10 for Dead Confederate and company. Then back home to Charleston to work Sunday night. Yeah, caffeine is my friend. But so is kickass music that gets my blood pumpin'. So  give me some suggestions on your fav on the road songs, nothing that'll put me to sleep.

I was exposed to Burnside right here at ADF and for just that I thank you...


Twihard Meltdown of 2012

Friday July 27, 2012 at 9:10 AM

Hi! Yes, it's FREE FOR ALL! Have fun frolicking through the forest....

We are getting tons of emails asking for us for the latest updates so we will start putting them in this campfire. Here is a great roundup from Celebitchy. We are only including what hasn't already been posted in the forest and feel free to add anything new to this campfire...

*Charlize Theron now hates Kristen Stewart. Allegedly! Charlize is friends with Liberty Ross, and a source tells Radar, “Charlize is absolutely fuming with Kristen for having an affair with Rupert. She is very tight with Liberty, has often socialized with the family over dinner and cannot believe Kristin has done this. When they were filming Snow White and the Huntsman, Charlize felt like an older sister to Kristin, and they were always sharing advice. Charlize confided to her new pal about her adoption plans. She even asked Kristin if she wanted to be her baby Jackson’s godmother – that was how close they were. But Charlize had no idea what was going on between Rupert and Kristin and now feels completely betrayed by the whole incident. It’s certainly left Charlize between a rock and a hard place, because she feels great sympathy for Liberty and the kids and yet, she has a sisterly love for Kristin.”

*Rob Pattinson is “deeply depressed” and “He doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t know if he should forgive her or not.” This according to Us Weekly’s sources. Rob is also “beyond devastated. He’s so heartbroken. He’s shocked she could hurt him and humiliate him this way.” Additionally, Kristen is “very angry at herself. She’s really not blaming anyone but herself.”

*Hollywood Life has a source who says: “Rob is not taking Kristen’s calls and he isn’t much of a texter as they don’t text each other. Not only has he left the house they share but he is leaving the situation all together cold turkey to have time to himself and deal with it on his own terms. He currently wants to be as far from Kristen symbolically and physically right now while he deals with what has happened.” It’s believed that Rob is still in California, and that he will be staying in America for the time being. I guess he’s staying with friends?

*Hollywood Life’s screaming headline: “Robert Pattinson Leaves Kristen Stewart — Who’s Keeping Bear?” Bear is their dog. I hate myself for actually wanting to know who has custody of poor Bear.

UPDATE (Washington Post):

Madame Tussauds in Hollywood has placed an actual bleeding heart behind its wax statue of Pattinson.

“In mourning the breakup of Twilight’s beloved real-life couple, Madame Tussauds Hollywood worked all night to create the enormous bleeding heart that now stands behind Rob Pattinson’s wax figure,” said the press release that arrived in my inbox mere moments ago and immediately became the best press release I’ve received this month, besting the emergency media alert I got earlier this week when Suri Cruise opted to wear Tretorns.


Help a camper win!

Friday July 27, 2012 at 8:43 AM

Hey girls - and guys!

I'm taking advantage of FFA and asking for your help. I've entered a photo competition which closes August 13th. If, by that date, I have the most likes on my picture, I'll win an awesome package of surfing gear, including a brand new board!!

All you'd have to do is click on the image below, which will link you to my picture on Facebook, and then click 'like'!

With as big as the fandom is, and how populated the Forest, it should be possible for me to get more than enough likes.

Please help!

And this is the prize:


What the Fic?!

Friday July 27, 2012 at 7:35 AM

mo kagen


Friday July 27, 2012 at 7:26 AM

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Friday, Yes?

Free For All, Yes? (Ranger Edit: Yes it is! Please don't forget to feed our trees today!)


Yup  - there's an abundance of those campfires above & below if you want to continue (as the tag implies) assaulting the lifeless equine.  Go do yo' thang.

Wanna talk about tacos?

Or music?

Or the Olympics?

Post some hotdudecandypron?

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for you campers looking for some variety in your forest experience today, come on in and get "off topic" with us!

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