
Everything's big in America(but no Peugeots?)

Sunday July 6, 2014 at 9:58 AM

Sorry for the second cf, but I'm alone at home and what am I going to do, actually clean it? I haven't even posted the cf I wanted, which was about how awful Rob's wax figure is, but I just got caught up in researching cars again, and what is this, why don't US sites mention Peugeot?? I actually "decided" to go for the Golf, even paid some money in advance, but now my husband's nephew wants to buy one too and I'm thinking of maybe selling it to him and going for the bigger, prettier and with five year guarrantee (what's up with VW's only 3 year guarantee) Peugeot 2008:


(I swear, there's at least one golf parked in each neighborhood here. And it's not like its looks have changed much in the last decades)

Thing is, I go on car comparing sites, and interestingly enough US sites don't even include Peugeot! Aren't there any Peugeot cars in the US? My husband says they're simply not good enough as cars. Also, on European sites Golf is considered to be a medium size car, whereas on US sites it's considered to be a small car! I see Golf as a small car myself, but it's done great on crash tests and that's what made me think I should buy it. However, aren't small cars not as safe as bigger cars in rl accidents? Laws of Physics, no?

ETA: If anyone else is interested in bigger vs smaller cars safety, this US organization is a great source of information


The fault in our stars

Sunday July 6, 2014 at 2:19 AM

Has anyone seen it? Should we?

From the imdb page (haven't seen the trailer, not sure I want to. But if you tell me I should go watch it, I probably will)


Who do you fancy?

Saturday July 5, 2014 at 8:30 PM

I've been watching Pride and Prejudice a lot lately.


The BBC version, the TV series with Firth, the movie with Laurence Olivier, and the movie with Keira Knightley. 


My favorite Mr. Darcy is the newest one Matthew Macfadyen. The hair gets to me.


Who is your favorite Mr. Darcy? Which movie or series is your favorite? Or talk to me about Wuthering Heights and why you hate or love it.


Note: When I say the BBC version, I meant the 1980 version, too. Not just the 1995 adaption.


The Daily Chew! 7/5

Saturday July 5, 2014 at 9:28 AM


What the Fic?! 7/5

Saturday July 5, 2014 at 9:27 AM


Feed your e-reader 7/5/14

Saturday July 5, 2014 at 4:47 AM

Feed Your E-Reader

weekly campfire

Please post all the fabulous deals you've found this week. And if you pick up a book from a comment inside, please let your fellow campers know you did.


This CF is open to all genres and all book deals.


And don't forget to feed the trees, yeah?

Please forgive the late posting - I was not near a PC yesterday. 


murrican independence day

Friday July 4, 2014 at 11:20 AM


happy 4th, everyone!

got any good plans?

here, have a decent america mixtape courtesy of npr (even if the inclusion of "tonight" from west side story baffles me)


The Daily Chew! 7/4

Friday July 4, 2014 at 7:31 AM


What the Fic?! 7/4

Friday July 4, 2014 at 7:30 AM



Thursday July 3, 2014 at 10:47 PM


So I totally thought today was Wednesday, which is why I didn't post. It didn't dawn on me until just now that it is indeed Thursday night. Oops! Sorry guys!




PNW Luna


Thursday July 3, 2014 at 10:42 PM

It's that time of year, time for a road trip!!    Please help me put together a playlist of driving tunes.  What is your favorite song to drive to? 



So get inside and "Get your motor running, head out on the highway, looking for adventure, in whatever comes our way..."


As far as fic recs go, please let me direct your attention to the Road Trip segment of our Master Fic List...


Bondfire ~ Laminated Five

Thursday July 3, 2014 at 9:02 AM

Good morning, Campers!

Today we are going to share OUR LIST!

You know, the laminated freebie five who you're allowed to sleep with without repercussions from your significant other.

Is yours laminated and set in stone?  How has your list changed over the years?

I admit that this is going to be a hard one for me.  This CF was inspired by Mrs Cherry Bomb, who talked about someone who was taken off her list because Mr C knows him.  Pshaw!  I don't think that's a rule, Mrs C!

Alternatively, tell us FIVE PEOPLE YOU WOULD LOVE TO MEET, whether they are dead or alive.  I'll admit that this list is much easier for me.

And we like pics of your freebie five too!  Maybe you'll help us bump someone off the list!


The Daily Chew! 7/3

Thursday July 3, 2014 at 6:52 AM


What the Fic?! 7/3

Thursday July 3, 2014 at 6:50 AM


Dying by degrees

Wednesday July 2, 2014 at 4:53 PM








“When they film the scenes, they shoot them over and over and over, even if it’s a good take and no one messes up their lines, they do it again and again, partly to get coverage, but mostly because the director is looking for something very specific.
We shot the wedding night scene, where they have their first sexual encounter. The first take was fine, as far as I could tell, but the director, Anna Foerster, had them do it over and over again. I was fascinated. I kept thinking, “Why is she doing this?” and then finally I realized she was wearing them out. She got them tired enough that they just cut loose and actually acted like people who had been up all night trying to have sex. When actors are doing this sort of thing — anything that involves what you might call physical choreography, fight scenes, sex scenes, etc. — they have thought it out very carefully ahead of time. They were making the exact same sounds each time, until Foerster brought them to the point of total exhaustion, and then they started making real sounds."

Help Desk Wednesday!

Wednesday July 2, 2014 at 9:07 AM


We here at ADF are a friendly, helpful bunch!

If you have a request for a type of story or a book,
this is your spot.

If you are unsure about something that has to do with ADF,
ask here.

If you have amnesia about a fic,
this is the place to ask about it!

If you are unsure about something that DOES NOT have to do with ADF,
ask here as well!


The Daily Chew! 7/2

Wednesday July 2, 2014 at 8:08 AM


What the Fic?! 7/2

Wednesday July 2, 2014 at 8:07 AM


Fic Diving 7-1-14

Tuesday July 1, 2014 at 8:54 AM


Diving Deep for Fan Fic Treasures

Each week I will brave the treacherous waters of Fan Fiction for buried treasure. Below are the gems I've found this week!

What a great response for the FIC DIVE of the YEAR VOTING!
As of today we have over 700 votes cast!
Get your vote in by July 9, 2014 @4pm EDT.

Two Blue Lines by Payton79
Bella, a good girl, was dumped by her long-time boyfriend. Edward, a young doctor, is feeling suffocated by his father's plans. Waking up next to a stranger is a shock for a good girl. Seeing the girl of your dreams run out on you the morning after sucks for a nice guy. What if two blue lines will bind the two together for life? What if they can't even remember how they came to be?

I've had this one on my list for a few weeks since the prologue posted.  First chapter started just today.  The writer says very little angst and drama.   Looking forward to more.

Seduction by BellaCullen0187
"Your art will be your prison, your name will hold you there...death won't be your solace, but innocence can dare..." An extraordinary tale of love. And an evil which threatens to take it all.

Interesting writing.  Both E & B struggle with reclusiveness after suffering great losses in their lives.  Edward returns to a family owned mansion that Bella will help restore. 


The Story of Us by SexyLexiCullen
Dr. Edward Cullen came to Port Jervis for a new career little did he know he would find the true love of his life, none other than coworker Bella Swan. What happens when you get everything you could ever want when you never asked for it? AH. Canon couples

If you haven't read one of Lexi's stories, you're missing out.  She takes our Twilight Faves and turns them into her own original characters.  This fic is the first in an epic story that covers generations of E & B's family.  I fell in love with the Cullen Family and couldn't wait to read more.

The Best I Ever Had by WhatsMyNomDePlume
Sex between friends complicates everything. Bella knows this. But she has no idea how much more Edward is going to complicate things.

Sexy funny story. 

Snowed In by eclipsedawn
Bella travels to Alaska to vacation in the cabin Alice loaned her. What happens when Bella finds out she is not the only person staying in the cabin?

E & B end up stranded in a blizzard together.  Don't worry, they'll find a way to keep warm.  :)

I'm thinking we'll vote on our favorite Fic Dives at the end of each month going forward.  Then we'll choose from those winners for the Fic of the Year.  It was a little overwhelming trying to sift through nearly 200 stories to vote, so we'll give this a try.  :)  Thanks again to everyone for the support.  GO VOTE!



Best. Outlander. Trailer. Yet.

Tuesday July 1, 2014 at 8:50 AM

This is the Australian trailer for Outlander --  lots of NEW scenes!!!!   I squeed so loud that my dog thought we had intruders in the front yard and started barking her brains out!

I'm pretty sure Claire's narration is for the trailer only. Enjoy, Sassenachs!!!


The video I originally posted was taken down, but as of this writing, you may still be able to see it here.

purple edit: oi sassenachs, i madeya a new tag!
Thank you, O Purple One! I was sae excited, I forgot to tag!
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