
My Crazy World Through My Eyes

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 8:20 PM

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Day 25 In Which I do this from my death bed


It's a mabso, mabso world!

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 8:09 PM

Welcome to Day 25!  Find a comfy chair and I'll show you today's photos...



Saturday August 25, 2012 at 6:01 PM

I loved this interview, and I loved Rob's new "cleaned up" look.




But something about this new look bugged me to pieces. Then today, I realized why that was...










Now, I am sure it is only coincidence, but since the Robstens seemed to pick apart everything Kristen was wearing the other day, and how everything was a " sign," this kind of amused me. That, and Rob's "dogging" comments. Is this just a new look that is really popular with guys now? Is this hipster? I am too old to know what hipster really is, lol.

Rob? He really does look hot. 


MTV Wants Your Fanfic

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 6:01 PM


From the Teen Wolf Tumblr (linked on their Twitter account):

Do you write fanfic? Do you want us to read it? Do you want to meet Jeff Davis and tell him what a gift he is? Reblog this, help us get the world out and get to writing!


From the official rules:

Entrants agree that Essays shall not contain, include or involve any of the following:
? Gratuitous obscenity
? Crude, vulgar or offensive pictures, depictions, images, language and/or symbols
? Gang signs or symbols
? Excessive, extreme or gratuitous violence
? Glamorization of illegal drug or alcohol use
? Commercial products (e.g., clothing, toys, food) and/or their trademarks, brands, logos or endorsements
? Unauthorized trademarks and copyrighted material (e.g., music, etc.)
? License plates, phone numbers, personal addresses – physical or email or otherwise
? Web site or web page links
? Derogatory characterizations of any ethnic, racial, sexual or religious groups, humiliate other people (publicly or otherwise), any assault or threatening of others
? Trespass or the violation of other people’s rights or property
? Illegal (e.g., discriminatory, harassing) or inappropriate activity, behavior or conduct (e.g., inflicting emotional distress)
? Conduct or activities in violation of these Official Rules



I thought this was kind of interesting. It's the first time (that I can recall anyway) that I've seen an official call for fanfic from a copyright holder. Well, for this type of thing anyway. I find some of the story restrictions interesting as well though I admit I don't watch the show. Some of it makes sense, like no personal addresses. Some of it made me wonder how they would define it. Like the violence for example. Wouldn't werewolves and violence go hand in hand? I'm also curious what they're stance on slash is. They say no gratuitous obscenity and such but if someone sent in a cutesy non-sexual slash story would they automatically dismiss it because it's slash? I just wonder.


Anyway, to make this interactive what do you think of this? Good idea? Fun idea? Bad idea? Would you ever enter a contest like this? If so, what fandoms (tv shows, movies, etc) do you wish would do something like this? Do you agree with the rules or do you think they're too strict?


If you want to see the full post here's a link:


This will always be my Teen Wolf:




P.S. I filmed a werewolf movie last week. I wish I could show you guys pics of the werewolf but I'm not allowed to. :(


When I Look At The World

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 5:43 PM

Captain's Log 25


The randomness from my random eye.

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 5:37 PM

Day 25. Beautiful Saturday


Missrebecca's Great British Travels

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 3:04 PM

Okay, time for banana-toffee cake!!

The recipe can be found here!


Glimpses of Kay's POV

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 2:58 PM

Day 25


...of our last day at Jamboree

This is photo of a photo of the whole site, taken from the camp newspaper.


English, do you speak it, mofo?

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 2:58 PM

Hi Ladies,

If you follow me, MouldingBrain, Mybrowneyes, Karenecwriter, BedeliaJane, Wckdqueen, FFCherry and others on twitter you'll know we've planned this campfire.

Through ADF and Twitter we've gotten to know each other and words and accents that are misinterpreted in spelling/ accent etc have come up.  So, we made a list to try out (and Karen decided on the fic excerpt :p)

If you go here you can record yourself and copy the code inside.

The list and excerpt are inside. NOTE: There are NSFW words on the list if you have little ears around, you don't have to say them, not a problem. Hope you'll join us for a laugh :)


IE won't let me tag, sorry Rangers.


My So-Called Life...Day 25

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 2:51 PM

Come in and see the world I makes up:


Summer Projects...

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 1:18 PM

This summer I had the opportunity to get a garden plot in a new local community garden.  Through fate someone up there looking out for me, I adopted four other plots for a total of five.  I've just seeded for some fall crops, but have a question?

Do any of you can or preserve garden goods? 

I've thought about it, and almost all of my friends say I should.  Is it difficult?  I've done some research online, but I'd really like to hear from those of you who have done/still do it. 

I have some specific questions inside, if you would be so kind as to lend advice.

I would love to see your gardens! I've posted a few inside as well.


Interactive part:

What has been your favorite summer project(s) this year?


 PS for some reason can't add tags...


Tales of a country the city

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 12:47 PM

Day Twenty Five


(no pic as I'm on my phone)


Chubby Chick for Charity

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 12:37 PM


I discovered this today and I think it's absolutely wonderful. This young lady is using her struggle to lose weight as a way to raise money for charity. She asks that people make a pledge per pound of weight loss to the charity of their choice (though she has personal picks she supports each month. The donor makes the donation directly to the charity.) It's helping to motivate her and helping out some awesome causes at the same time.

Even if you're unable to donate, why not stop by and write her a little note of encouragement and support? I'ms ure it would mean the world to her.

Ranger Interactive Edit:  What kinds of charities do you support and/or encourage others to support?


Take a Walk with Lime, Day 25

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 12:32 PM

I live here:


and I walk everywhere. Take a walk with me!


What the Fic?!

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 9:56 AM


Rec me anything

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 9:45 AM

So, it's the end of the summer and I'm out of everything I wanted/needed to watch. In the last few weeks, I've watched Downton Abbey, The Newsroom, Rookie Blue, Revenge, North&South and Covert Affairs. All of it, all the seasons. 

I've re-read all the Harry Potters, the Sookie Stackhouse series, Hunger Games, Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door, and the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. 

Yes, I need help.

Your help. Please rec me something to do. A book or a series of books you fell in love with, a TV show I absolutely must watch, an undiscovered gem, a BBC mini-series, fanfictions (I'm like a whore, open to a lot of fandoms) or movies. I need something to do when my insomnia kicks in. 

Tell me the last thing (book, tv or movie) that got you completely hooked. I'm quite fond of British period-drama/romance TV at the moment as I've just finished Downton Abbey and North&South (Yum Richard Armitage).

For your time, the very sexy Mr. Thornton (the new Mr. Darcy).


Please and thank you. 


honest trailers

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 9:00 AM

hiii. i'm not sure how many of you have already seen these trailers, but a friend sent me them at like, six o'clock this morning and I seriously cried laughing, so I thought I'd come share.

have a great weekend, everyone.


Diana Wolfskill

Men's Fashion

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 9:00 AM

What looks do you like on a man?
Do you help dress the men in your life?
(Are they snappy dressers or sartorially clueless?)
When you read a story, how much (if any)
description do you want of how the hero is dressed?
(Or, if a man, do you choose your own clothes or leave that to others? What looks do you favor?)
This campfire is about anything and everything 
on the subject of men's clothing.
Ridiculous, sexy, horrifying, gorgeous ...
From RPattz in a tux 
to People of Walmart.
Bring it on!

SydneyAlice pulling her fics

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 8:56 AM

Hope I am not repeating old news here and I missed it the first time...


Not sure if you read her stuff but SydneyAlice has pulled some and will be pulling the rest of her fics. She has a blog where they are all at and you can download until September 1 - then she is taking down here blog

Here's her FFN addy and the blog is in there:


Did you see Cosmopolis?

Saturday August 25, 2012 at 8:23 AM

OK, I'm a virgin and this is my first campfire. I hope I'm doing it right. :)

I saw Cosmopolis yesterday and I'm dying to hear if anyone else saw it.


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