Life is good

Saturday September 1, 2012 at 7:10 PM

It is September 1st!!  I love autumn, it's my favorite time of year.  I love the leaves, and cool weather comfort foods, hot mugs of tea, and cooler weather.  My birthday and anniversary are both in September.  Autumn makes me freaking happy!

Fellow campers, what is making you happy right now?  What's going right in your life?  What makes you laugh, smile, rejoice?  

My own responses inside...



My Crazy World Through My Eyes

Saturday September 1, 2012 at 6:56 PM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Day 32... right?


The randomness from my random eye!

Saturday September 1, 2012 at 6:12 PM

Day 32. Saturday, September 1, 2012

What a day!!


My So-Called Life...Day 32

Saturday September 1, 2012 at 6:02 PM

Come in and see the world I makes up:


Indie Publishing

Saturday September 1, 2012 at 5:29 PM

So I'm not really an active poster, or one to start a fire, but I came across something on my Amazon dash today I found interesting which lead to additional postulating and wanted to just see what people's thoughts were. 

I found a book called Angelfall by Susan Ee and it was rated awfully high on the ebook listings. What struck me was the price of $2.99 and immediately I looked to the publisher - Amazon Childrens - and realized this gal was an indie writer/self published. Now these are the stories I love - author goes out there with their original work, hits big and moves up. After perusing Ms. Ee's Goodreads and blog, I found that she was from my home town of the Silicon Valley and highly educated with degrees in math, physics and law. She also went and got herself an MFA in creative writing when she decided to become an author. Her story of going through a rough break up and then writing was quite sympathetic. So for many reasons, I happily downloaded her book to contribute to her success. I haven't started it yet, but have high hopes - she has over 4k reviews on Goodreads alone. She reminds me of authors like Amanda Hocking who I've followed since she first self pub'd her My Blood Approves series (okay) and her Trylle Trilogy (great). These authors' roads to success intrigue me and I find it interesting how some aspiring writers tackle their craft of choice. Hocking was a "natural" writer who just kept on trying, Ee went and got an education to add to her chops. 

A nice blurb about the background of Angelfall and Ee's decision to be indie.

So what I'm wondering is this:

-Do you find authors with higher education, like an MFA in creative writing, more likely to have well written stories? Does their education impact you at all when making a decision to try a new author out? Can you tell they have had lots of practice when reading?

-Do you follow indie authors? What do you think of their successes, whether they eventually go mainstream and sign up with a major house or stay true to their indie roots? 

-Do you think blogs that decline to review indie authors (there are several and I am on the verge of no longer following these myself) are falling behind the trends of literature? Why do you think some book review blogs are disinclined to review indie authors?

**This is not meant to be a discussion on P2P. 


Angela Fall by Susan Ee

It's been six weeks since angels of the apocalypse descended to demolish the modern world. Street gangs rule the day while fear and superstition rule the night. When warrior angels fly away with a helpless little girl, her seventeen-year-old sister Penryn will do anything to get her back.

Anything, including making a deal with an enemy angel.

Raffe is a warrior who lies broken and wingless on the street. After eons of fighting his own battles, he finds himself being rescued from a desperate situation by a half-starved teenage girl.

Traveling through a dark and twisted Northern California, they have only each other to rely on for survival. Together, they journey toward the angels' stronghold in San Francisco where she'll risk everything to rescue her sister and he'll put himself at the mercy of his greatest enemies for the chance to be made whole again.

The Trylle Trilogy by Amanda Hocking

When Wendy Everly was six years old, her mother was convinced she was a monster and tried to kill her. Eleven years later, Wendy discovers her mother might have been right. She’s not the person she’s always believed herself to be, and her whole life begins to unravel—all because of Finn Holmes.

Finn is a mysterious guy who always seems to be watching her. Every encounter leaves her deeply shaken…though it has more to do with her fierce attraction to him than she’d ever admit. But it isn’t long before he reveals the truth: Wendy is a changeling who was switched at birth—and he’s come to take her home.

Now Wendy’s about to journey to a magical world she never knew existed, one that’s both beautiful and frightening. And where she must leave her old life behind to discover who she’s meant to become…

Also I think it'd be fun to share Goodreads accounts if you're so inclined. Here's Me.


Just Keep Swimming: The Diary of a Dori Fyshe

Saturday September 1, 2012 at 5:07 PM

Just Keep Swimming: The Diary of a Dori Fyshe

Day Thirty-Two — Quintessentially Me

I've shown you my family, my house, my city, and my world.
Through all of this I have left you pieces of me, but today,
I will show you what makes up this Dori Fyshe.


Glimpses of Kay's POV

Saturday September 1, 2012 at 4:19 PM

Day 32

...of pub crawling


I Spy With My Little Eye

Saturday September 1, 2012 at 4:11 PM

Day 32

Miss Vandelay

Snapshots Of My World

Saturday September 1, 2012 at 3:57 PM

Day 32 

First day of Spring! And I ask the question.... 

What makes Melbourne the most livable city in the world? 


Smile because it happened

Saturday September 1, 2012 at 2:28 PM

Day 32: We have Isaac Rain, so here is a History Lesson at my Mom & Dad's house.  This dresser belonged to my Great-Grandma.


Tales of a country the city

Saturday September 1, 2012 at 2:11 PM

Day Thirty Two


When I Look At The World

Saturday September 1, 2012 at 1:31 PM

Day 32



My Reading List Tool

Saturday September 1, 2012 at 1:18 PM

Hi All,

I posted info about a new tool for managing your reading list.  Example on my blog.  Let me know if this is something you would be interested in.


What the Fic?!

Saturday September 1, 2012 at 11:48 AM


Take a Walk with Lime, Day 32

Saturday September 1, 2012 at 10:39 AM

I live here:


and I walk everywhere. Take a walk with me!



Saturday September 1, 2012 at 9:19 AM

I was just browsing the website of this year's world press photo exhibition and I'm crying my eyes out. As always.

In case anyone hasn't heard of it before, here's what wikipedia says:


World Press Photo is an independent, non-profit organization based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Founded in 1955 the organization is known for holding the world's largest and most prestigious annual press photography contest.

Another primary objective of the organization is to support professional press photography on a wide international scale, to stimulate developments in photojournalism, encourage the transfer of knowledge, help develop high professional standards in photojournalism and promote a free and unrestricted exchange of information.


There's an exhibition each year that pretty much tours the world. The first time I went to see it was in 2006 - I came back every year since then. Last summer I saw it at the UN headquarters in NYC.

Here's the website and here's a link to the list of cities in which you can still see it this year. (You can find all winners at the website, as well as the photo information. There's also an iPhone app ;) )

It's a crazy, vivid and stunning summary of the year's events and I get so touched, so moved and so incredibly sad each time I go to see it. It's not only the pictures, but also the texts and the information that is provided together with the photographs. The story behind the picture, the people.

But even more, I feel inspired. I feel the need to go out and live, and do something that may not change the world, but makes a difference. No matter how big or small. I want to raise awareness.


So, what inspires you? Was there a specific moment? An event, perhaps that changed the way you viewed your life? What makes you want to DO something. (no matter if it's write, sing, draw... anything and everything)


Oh, the places you wish to go...

Saturday September 1, 2012 at 6:53 AM

You ever feel like packing up and leaving everything behind?

Where would you go? 

A made-up place? 

A secluded beach?

Cabin on a mountaintop? 

Exotic country where no one would dare to look for you? 


It's September 1st and I'm feeling sentimental. I'd go to Hogwarts. 

LJ Summers

Final Stretch!

Saturday September 1, 2012 at 4:08 AM

Wow! We're winding down in our Photo Journal Contest!  


Three more days — Labor Day Weekend for those of us in the States — and then the decision is up to you, the Campers, as to the winner of one $100 gift card from Amazon!  (We Rangers will choose two more $100 winners.)

Out of the original field of 32, we now have 21 posting photo journalists!

Eight of our remaining contestants have maintained PERFECT "attendance" so far in the contest, meaning they've posted every day for 31 days. They are:









Voting will begin on September 4th and go through the 10th. Why don't you take some time this weekend to check out the photo journals under the Contest link?  Not only will you find unique perspectives from around the world, you'll also be able to get to know these campers better.

Now, for the sake of interactivity (because it's barely six on a Saturday morning and I am not yet entirely brilliant, lol) if you could get a favorite CELEBRITY to keep a photo journal for a week, which celebrity would you choose and what kinds of images do you think they'd share?  You might even post them!  (This can even be for famous people who have been gone a long time, such as Mark Twain or Queen Hatshepsut.)

I'll post mine within!


The Mysterious Life....

Saturday September 1, 2012 at 12:40 AM


Day 31: A View From My Couch!


I Double Dog Dare You...

Friday August 31, 2012 at 10:35 PM

Day 31...

First --- | >> | 549 | 550 | 551 | 552 | 553 | 554 | 555 | 556 | 557 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
