Your weekly Outlander ...

Friday April 11, 2014 at 12:36 PM


Le sigh ....


(I just realized the actress who plays Jenny was the first "victim" we see on "The Fall."  YAS!)





Have you read the books yet?  If yes, how far along are you in the series?

Every good hero needs a good (er, bad) villian, and Outlander has one of the best worst.

 What are your thoughts on Black Jack Randall?  Would you ever want to read any of Outlander from BJR's POV?  Why or why not?

Black Jack Randall 
Sex Sadist or misunderstood bad guy?


What ever happened to/did that end...

Friday April 11, 2014 at 11:00 AM

Recently I found myself thinking about that old fic Dissapear Here by h32mh32m. It last updated sometime in late 2011? with the promise of the final two chapters and I was wondering if that ever happened because I know it eventually got pulled. So did anyone ever know if that all got figured out? What did you think/want to happen?


Furthermore are there any other fics out there that you think about from time to time that have gotten abanonded/haven't updated in ages and you just want them to know what happens at the end? Share below.


My Rec: Say It, Out Loud By: WhatsMyNomDePlume
I don't expect my boyfriend to make some grand speech saying he promises to love me every single day of forever. Just that he loves me. And maybe the forever part. If he wants to add the 'every single day' line, I wouldn't be opposed. AH. O/S for FGB.


My coming out

Friday April 11, 2014 at 10:11 AM

So this is the time for my big reveal. I have waited all week for this Free for All Friday. I went to New York last week to find an agent and I found one. I showed him my art and at the end of the meeting he told me "I'm so happy you chose me". When I called my husband that night I coudn't stop crying because this was exactly what I was expecting from my 12-hour-drive-trip.

My story begins at my summer job where some of you might know that I work as a guide in the boreal forest. We walk along a canyon, I give all sorts of information concerning geology, glaciation period, medicinal plants, wild life etc..., we ride a rabaska (10 place canoe) and attract black bears. Most of our clients are from Europe plus some English speaking people (American, Australian, South African and English) who travel on big cruise ships. So when these people listen to me and are interested in the way I tell them my stories, well we see more animals. I show them the faces sculped in the rock and tell them that our forest is full of Elves.

There are 2 faces in the rock here, the man's face is from his profile while the woman's is facing us. The winking eye of the woman is the nose ot the man. He is whistling and his eye is under the protuberance.

 photo DSC05068.jpg

Last fall, one of my student- I own a school where I teach English as a second language- had adjustment problems with the children of her new boyfriend so I spoke to the kids about coming with me next year in the woods so I could show them the art that the elves had done. I also told them that I would tell them everything I knew about the Elf Forest. At home that night, I spoke out loud to my soul and I told her that I wanted to know more about the Elf Life. I then said that I was ready for a new life and that I wanted to understand the invisible dimension.

So this is where my art began, all of a sudden I started taking pictures of ice crystals. As many of you must know we had a polar vortex this winter where it got colder than ever. The first month all my pictures were just shades of grey but in January the colours appeared and the crystals started showing recognizable faces. It was The Elf Effect.

Birdy photo DSC02561_zpsbef8c42f.jpg

This picture is called Birdy. When you look at the pictures long enough you see the faces appear. I will show you more pictures inside the campfire and I will give you the website address I've been working on trying my best to show what this invisible dimension is telling me.

The real question I have for you, to make this interactive, is "Have you ever had any experience involving the invisible dimension". I am clair audient and I have many stories that would scare some of you but where in reality I became more involved in my community as I was more conscious of my reality.


Blurred Lines

Friday April 11, 2014 at 9:19 AM

I came home from work yesterday and found that my dear husband had shaved off his full beard into a "Manchu."  WTF Planet Blue???  My panties didn't melt, I didn't swoon and I certainly didn't feel the need to throw him down and mount him on our front porch.  I'm thinking that the lines between my real life and fic life are starting to blur. 

Anyone else care to share any stories where your lines have blurred?  Or, any tales of horrible facial hair decisions?

Happy Friday!


A Twilight Friend in Need

Friday April 11, 2014 at 7:17 AM

Good Morning Campers~

I don't post many campfires, but appreciate the joyful, caring sense of community here. This article was in my blog reader this morning and I thought I should pass it on. My cousin went through something very similar to this in the past year and it has been devestating. I knew the many caring people here would want to know. (I looked to see if it had already been shared, but if I missed it, please forgive)


A Twilight Friend Needs Your Help
// Twilight Lexicon

Back in 2008, just about the only media outlet to take Twilight and Twilight fans seriously was MTV. Everyone else thought it was going to be just some other vampire movie, or just another teen flick that went quickly to DVD and oblivion. Not MTV. MTV took it seriously, and the person most responsible for that was Larry Carroll, their main reporter at the time. Larry always took the fans and fandom seriously, and didn’t talk to fans like they were two, or talk down to them like they’d lost their minds. He gave and got respect.

Well, Larry is going through a very tough time. Those of us who are parents can only imagine. Larry has started a fundly campaign in honor of his late daughter. On his Fundly page Larry explains:

I’m sorry if this is very raw, but my baby girl died this morning.

Please believe me when I say that Savannah, who was 2-and-a-half, was loved every second that she was alive. My wife and I fed her the healthiest foods, gave her that extra-fancy milk with the DHA in it, enrolled her in a little gym class and showered her with countless hugs and kisses. As a dad, I practiced every day until I finally (mostly) figured out how to make pigtails. She was a healthy, happy child – this is not how things are supposed to end.

We’re not sure what happened. We woke up this morning, and she did not.

If you’ve never dealt with loss, I sincerely hope that you never do. If you have, then you know the worst feeling is the sense of helplessness, of frustration. The only thing you can do, it seems, is admit that you have no control. And when you’re a parent – the person who is supposed to be able to make everything better – that’s a horrifying thing to admit.

If you’ve read this far, I thank you. I won’t take up much more of your time.

One thing that does give me solace is that when “Savvy” was with us, we shared lots of unplanned memories with her. A surprise trip to an indoor playground, an unexpected cookie at Starbucks, a walk along the beach on a random Tuesday afternoon – and I came to refer to these as “Stolen Moments.”

I’m feeling very powerless right now. But people have already begun asking how they can help, and in the days ahead I don’t want a bunch of money to be thrown away on flowers. I’d recommend a charity for people to make donations in her honor, but I’m very weary of the way many charities take your money and use them to pay overhead. The only way I can handle this powerlessness, I figure, is with the power to give someone else joy.

So, here’s my idea: If you’d like to make a donation in Savannah’s name – any size – please do it here. And my dream is to take every penny of those donations, locate a special little girl somewhere in the world – and give her and her family the “Stolen Moment” that we’ll never be able to make with our baby Savannah.

I will find a family somewhere – someone I have never met before and has no connection to anyone I know – and help them make a Stolen Moment. The only 3 requirements are that they have a little girl, that they very clearly love her, and that they don’t have the financial means to typically do this sort of thing.

Perhaps we can send them to Disneyland, and get them the greatest hotel room ever. Perhaps we could fly them somewhere. I want to give some little person a moment with her Mom and Dad that she’ll remember forever – a moment that they would never have without us doing this.

Any money raised above the costs of the “Stolen Moment” will be put into a college fund for that child.

After the Stolen Moment takes place, I’ll ask that the family meet with my wife and I, show us all the pictures they took, and tell us every awesome detail. In the wake of this tragedy, I’m determined to create joy.

Savannah was too young for me to say that this is what she would have wanted. But I can tell you that this is what I would’ve raised her to believe was the right thing to do.

If you have read this far, but cannot make a donation, I completely understand. Thank you for listening.

But please, I ask that you do this for my Savannah, the girl I would give anything to have back in my arms right now: Hug your child tight, tell them that you love them. Every. Damn. Day.

And the next time your child wants to play with your phone, even though they have peanut butter all over their hands and will just delete all your apps and make the screen too bright and you don’t know how to change it back…let them do it. And appreciate the fact that you’re witnessing such beauty. As parents, it’s the only thing we can do.

There is some additional info on MediaBistro about what the fund is going to do now that it has exceeded the original goal. If Larry brought you even a little bit of joy over the years, please donate what you can in money, prayers, and thoughts.




The Daily Chew! 4/11

Friday April 11, 2014 at 7:08 AM


What the Fic?! 4/11

Friday April 11, 2014 at 7:07 AM


Picture This! ~ Your Ride

Thursday April 10, 2014 at 3:05 PM

Hello Campers! 

Today we're sharing pictures of YOUR RIDE!

This can be open to any type of transportation.  If you'd like to show us your car, bike, elephant, horse (especially if you're rote_kirsche), skateboard etc.

Or, if you walk, take the bus or train, ride in someone else's car, show us your typical sites/views while you commute.


For next week:

It's Easter over here in the US next week.  While we don't personally celebrate the religious holiday anymore,  we always do an EGG HUNT for our girls.  So I thought we'd do a bit of a HUNT next week too.  All words are open to interpretation.  It's okay if you can't get them all, show us 1-2 pics that you do find. And you don't have to find both pairs either.

sweet/sour         smooth/rough

mail/male           fast/slow

light/dark        straight/crooked

So sorry that I'm late in posting today.  We got back from vacation last night and I'm moving in slow motion--trying to clean the house, unpack, do laundry, take care of both girls, as well as plan THREE parties this month.  On the bright side, my girls are self-entertaining I've likely jinxed myself.  :D



Thursday April 10, 2014 at 10:05 AM


Lets talk about Agents of SHIELD today and the latest on whats been happening in that show - and feel free to include a little of Captain America too since I totally missed that last week.


The Daily Chew! 4/10

Thursday April 10, 2014 at 7:07 AM


What the Fic?! 4/10

Thursday April 10, 2014 at 7:06 AM


The Rec Campfire

Wednesday April 9, 2014 at 3:41 PM


What are you reading right now? Today? This week? 

What WIPs are you following? 

Don't forget to link to fics and review any stories you start reading.

Any fandom goes, not restricted to Twilight.


Help, it's Wednesday!

Wednesday April 9, 2014 at 10:33 AM


We here at ADF are a friendly, helpful bunch!

If you have a request for a type of story or a book,
this is your spot.

If you are unsure about something that has to do with ADF,
ask here.

If you have amnesia about a fic,
this is the place to ask about it!

If you are unsure about something that DOES NOT have to do with ADF,
ask here as well!


The Daily Chew! 4/9

Wednesday April 9, 2014 at 6:57 AM


What the Fic?! 4/9

Wednesday April 9, 2014 at 6:56 AM


looking for fic

Tuesday April 8, 2014 at 3:42 PM

Hi, I am looking for a pdf of hydraulic level five. Does anybody have a copy they could send me?  

AvengeRanger Edit:

* All Campers are hereby given notice that frolicking in this Forest is quid pro quo. If you're here to ask for a recommendation or locate a misplaced story, your campfire will be doused unless you INCLUDE A RECOMMENDATION WITH A LINK of one of your own fave stories. We're not kidding about this. Each Ranger has a brand new Fire Extinguisher in hand.

Please add a recommendation or we will douse the campfire.

read evading edward by our own ranger vampshavelaws!


Fic Diving 4-8-14

Tuesday April 8, 2014 at 7:25 AM


Diving Deep for Fan Fic Treasures

Each week I will brave the treacherous waters of Fan Fiction for buried treasure. Below are the gems I've found this week!

Got a nice little batch this week.  These are in the early stages, but are looking quite promising.

You all know the drill!  Read, Review and Recommend!

Ride and Prejudice by ClaireBamboozle
Life is a series of choices and making the wrong call can change someones life forever, just ask Edward Cullen. All Human.

Not sure how this will play out, but I am intrigued. Shy loner Bella is completely infatuated and pretty much a stalker of motorcycle riding, popular Edward. Only 2 chapters in, but I'm curious to see how this progresses.

Every Time We Lie Awake by riah19
In the wake of childhood tragedy, seven year old Isabella Marie Swan looked into the eyes of her soul-mate & and saw a brilliant future. Ten years later, the boy with the piercing green eyes has all but vanished from her memory, but a return to her hometown & a cocky, angry boy with a past leave Bella stuttering on the sparks of recognition. Full summary inside. AH

Bella moves back to Forks and meets the damaged Cullen siblings. Uncertain mystery surrounds them and her family's past.

 Rescue To Release by Bower-Of-Bliss
"As a cinematographer, I've given some thoughts to how I might die, but never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd die of dehydration, cut up and bleeding while perched in a tree in the middle of the Australian outback. As you can see, Sam is down below. He's an insane and perpetually randy, 7-foot tall, alpha-male kangaroo, and he belongs to that equally mental bloke, Cullen."

This is just one chapter in, but I really found it interesting. Lots of diving and photography lingo. No Edward yet, but apparently he owns a horny kangaroo, yet to be seen. I like this one also because I feel like I'll learn some things about cinematography.

Seven Forty-Three by CullensTwiMistress
Maps dictate where we go, but they don't always take us home. City subway tunnels and dim street lights converge, bringing two people infinitely closer. Will a chance meeting lead them to forever? Maybe it was only a matter of time. Collaboration with Maplestyle. Romance; BxE; Rated M.

Bella is crushing on the subway hottie she sees each each morning on the 7:43 train.


Atlantic City by PhoenixRN

Something sinister is going on behind the scenes at a popular casino. When things get dangerous, reluctant casino manager Edward, enlists the help of an intelligent runaway Bella, to figure out what's happening and to save them both. All Human ExB. 

Bella and Jasper are hustlers who move on to the big time in Atlantic City.  Jasper gets mixed up with the wrong guys. Ed recruits Bella to help him solve a problem in his casino and maybe save Jasper, too.

Turning Pointe by Viridian6
Edward's life was a non-stop party – drinking, drugs, girls – he's completely out of control. Determined to win back his father's approval, he befriends sweet & innocent Bella. His plan backfires, but can he give up his new addiction? 

Edward is a complete jerk, (so many better words can be used here, but not front page campfire friendly!) at the start of this one. He finds his match in Bella who comes with a few skeletons of her own.  Little angsty.

Let me know what you're loving or hating.  Your feedback is greatly appreciated!  Thanks All!


The Daily Chew! 4/8

Tuesday April 8, 2014 at 6:55 AM


What the Fic?! 4/8

Tuesday April 8, 2014 at 6:53 AM


The Daily Chew! 4/6

Monday April 7, 2014 at 7:24 AM

First --- | >> | 396 | 397 | 398 | 399 | 400 | 401 | 402 | 403 | 404 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
