So, I've gotten into the Outlander fandom. Personal hygiene and women abuse issues aside, it is an escape from rl problems, even though, for me, not as strong as Twilight. However, I can't for the life of me continue to read the books. I'm on the second one so far and I find it soooo unappealing. Problem is, we still have only two episodes on the tv show, and then it'll stop until 2015 wtf what am i going to do with my life actually try and deal with it?
Of course not. Thus, I tried looking for the one and only thng that could rescue me: fanfiction. But the author just won't allow it!!! Yes, it is her right and all, but you did come up with an appealing story, 'historical fiction' as you call it, some of us can't get into the historical/action whatever aspects of the story and just want the romance part. We could have been so much more into the whole thing so much glorious angst waiting to be further developed sigh sigh sigh.
I know others e.g. Rice are also against it (and that was even before Icy made so much money out of it), but, well, these are DG's words:
"OK, my position on fan-fic is pretty clear: I think it’s immoral, I know it’s illegal, and it makes me want to barf whenever I’ve inadvertently encountered some of it involving my characters."
"“99% of [fanfiction] is Just Awful, and it’s revolting to see your characters being made to do and say idiotic things, or be forced to enact simple-minded sex fantasies (which is what most fan-fic that comes to my unwilling attention is). Like someone selling your children into white slavery.”
Interesting article here
So, opinions?
FYT ('cause I'm happy the kept that. Only scene from the previous episode that I liked)