
on the shelf

Tuesday October 21, 2014 at 9:51 AM

Time for the weekly book post


What have you been reading this week?

I've read loads,actually.

I had intended to ask about some scary books here with Halloween coming but but hey, real life is much scarier.

I'm still following the fallout from Kathleen Hale's Stalker Story in the Guardian.

Some good summaries here and here (The original's gotten enough clicks.  What do you think? I know I've definitely made some decisions on author's I will and won't purchase.

This is where it gets even more OT. Some of you may have seen this piece or other reports on the terrifying self-proclaimed benevolent stalker. It's since emerged that that guy tracked down someone who wrote a negative review of his self-published book and attacked her in her workplace. You can read her account here and see some graphic pictures of her injuries here

I'm pretty shocked by this. Because women expressing negative opinions online keep getting victimised in their real lives. Boo. The world sucks. 


Fic Diving 10-21-2014

Tuesday October 21, 2014 at 8:22 AM


Diving Deep for Fan Fic Treasures
Each week I will brave the treacherous waters of Fan Fiction for buried treasure. Below are the gems I've found this week!

Be sure to let everyone know about our little Fic Rec Campfire here in the Forest.  Let's turn it into a Bonfire!  The more the merrier!

All the Best People Are by EveryDayBella
Bella collected broken things that no one else would give a second look at. When one night she pulls a man in a too big hat into her shop she sets her feet on the path to an adventure that has her questioning her very reality. Maybe, just maybe, all the best people are mad. A Twilight and Alice in Wonderland rift. E/B

This is a quirky story with elements of Alice in Wonderland thrown in.  I don't quite have a handle on where it's going just yet, but that's why I like it.  Bella takes Edward in, and tries to help him find his identity.

Virulent by perpetually
"When there's no more room in hell, the dead shall walk the earth." Friends with benefits. But caught in an apocalypse.

An odd telling of a zombie apocalypse.  Everyone is very unaffected by the "skeletals," until they are literally banging down the door.


Secret Life by MandyLeigh87
Bella meets and instantly hates Edward Cullen, her roommate's brother. But they both have secrets in their life that bring them closer in life and love than they ever imagined. AH E/B

Some pretty heavy drama in this one.  Bella faces some serious battles.  Edward becomes her rock.

Seventeen Cakes by vanessarae

Bella tries to keep her distance from Edward, thinking that she can't be hurt if he is never more than a pretty face. Too bad she doesn't let Edward in on her plan.

High school fic.  Flashes of Sixteen Candles.  The hotness of Jake Ryan is discussed--btw, what ever happened to that guy?  I feel like he went on to be a construction worker or car salesman.

Smooth Operator by Cullcati
Edward has a hard on for the local diner girl. His roommate doesn't think he has the balls to pursue her. Can this Smooth Operator get the girl?

This one had some LOL moments for me.  I like the Edward and Rose dynamic in this one.  It's different than what we ususally see.  Not complete, but I have high hopes it will someday.

The Rinse Cycle by Shahula
College senior Bella Swan is trying to put her past behind her and be a responsible adult. Her plans get tossed aside when dirty boy Edward Cullen appears at her local Laundromat. It's time to get dirty and come clean. AH, M for language and lemons. Drabble-ish.

Sexy times at the Laundromat.

Don't forget to fee a tree!
(Click an ad banner)


The Daily Chew! 10/21

Tuesday October 21, 2014 at 7:46 AM


What the Fic?! 10/21

Tuesday October 21, 2014 at 7:45 AM


Author Spotlight- Nolebucgrl

Monday October 20, 2014 at 11:03 AM

Meet Nolebucgrl- one of the most sweetest and gracious authors in our fandom. She is an accomplished storyteller and a bigtime football fan. Campers come in and talk fics & sports with Nolebucgrl.


The Daily Chew! 10/20

Monday October 20, 2014 at 7:08 AM


What the Fic?! 10/20

Monday October 20, 2014 at 7:07 AM


Happy Monday

Monday October 20, 2014 at 7:03 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week.The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy. 

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum.If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name


Sneak Peek Monday

Monday October 20, 2014 at 3:31 AM

 photo SneakPeekRobPic_zps177ea398.png




Do you write fan fiction?
Sneak us a little peek at an upcoming chapter or story! It can be an excerpt, pictease, music clip, a new banner, or even a poem.
Please include the LINK to your story so we can find it after you tantalize us!

Feed Me Pumpkin

Sunday October 19, 2014 at 5:25 PM

Welcome to the monthly cooking campfire (only a couple days late, but for an excellent reason).

Come in and tell me all the pumpkin things you have already cooked/baked or plan to in the up coming weeks.

I have two different pumpkin items I've cooked in the past few weeks, including a savory stuffed pumpkin last night.


The Daily Chew! 10/18

Saturday October 18, 2014 at 9:18 AM


What the Fic?! 10/18

Saturday October 18, 2014 at 9:17 AM



Saturday October 18, 2014 at 6:20 AM

Happy Football Weekend! Lots of good games going on this weekend. Come in and tell me what games you're watching, who you're cheering for, who you're cheering against, all that good stuff. 

Here's at nod at my boy's including WVU's kicker, who made a game winning 55 yard field goal last week. 

WVU football photo: WVU Flying WV Steel Blue Plasma 2012 FlyingWVBlueSteelPlasma.jpg

Here's a nod at my men who lost to the Browns and seem bent on giving me gray hair this year. 

 photo alg_steelers-fans_zps39a66282.jpg


Author Spotlight

Friday October 17, 2014 at 11:14 AM

Calendar Update


At the Movies

Friday October 17, 2014 at 9:33 AM


The critical mastermind behind every movie...directors! Whose films do you admire? (I'm not sure I have a favorite...when I was a film minor in college the first time I picked Hitchcock as my focus though.)


The Daily Chew! 10/17

Friday October 17, 2014 at 7:06 AM


What the Fic?! 10/17

Friday October 17, 2014 at 7:05 AM


ADF Camper Recs

Friday October 17, 2014 at 6:13 AM

A few ADF Camper stories were reviewed this week including mine : ) by the International House of FanFic. Come inside and say congrats, and if you've already read these stories, let us know what you thought. 


Jane-with-a-y - A Crack In The Door

Summary: A lonely bartender and a mysterious girl next door. Who is she? Why does she cry every night? More importantly, why does he care? Together they form a tentative friendship between the crack of the door that separates them; will the crack open wide enough to let love in? A story of loss, healing, intimacy, and hope. Beta: SunFlower Fran Hurt/Comfort/Romance Rated: M Edward & Bella Cape-Cod-ward Complete

RobzBeanie - Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happy Endings

Summary: All Edward wanted was his freedom and a safe place to hide… and maybe a warm female body in his bed. What he got was so much more. EPOV of “Reason For Living.” Rated C for Cheekyward. AH, Tattward Romance/Drama/Humor Rated: M Edward & Bella Complete

First Blush - Unto Your Safekeeping 

Summary: Unto Your Safekeeping: A doctor searching for a cure. A breakthrough that questions everything. Much can be gained in the battle to extend human life, but at what cost? And for Isabella and the man she longs to trust, one question remains: Is success a medical discovery, or is it the discovery of one’s true self? Rated: Fiction M – English – Drama/Romance – Bella, Edward – WiP

Thimbles Also Known As

Summary: Also Known As: I let a cute boy call me someone else’s name for almost a year. Flashes for Round 9 of The Twilight 25. Maybe it will be like that collection of old photographs in a shoebox under your bed. Twilight, M, English, Romance & Adventure





Holy crap!!!

Thursday October 16, 2014 at 1:19 PM


Bondfire ~ Halloween Costumes

Thursday October 16, 2014 at 11:15 AM

Good Morning, ADF Campers!

Today we're going to share pictures of our best and worst costumes. 

If you'd rather not share pics of yourself (or don't have them), please feel free to share Halloween Costume Wins and Fails that you've found on the interwebz. 

(But follow ADF rules, please, ie no nudity.)

Unless you really, really want to flash us, lol. 


Do you believe in ghosts or spirits?  Do you have one that haunts your house?

Share your creepy or not-so-creepy stories!

Alternatively you can also share pics of your awesome pumpking carving skills. 

The last of the Proust Questions:

1) How I wish to die
2) What is your present state of mind.
3) For what fault have you most toleration?
4)Your favorite motto.

Next week I'll host another Getting to Know You/Roll Call CF as the bondfire.

ETA: I forgot to include furbabies!  If you've got a furbaby in costume you want to humiliate share, please post their pics!  :D

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