
Soup :)

Monday October 6, 2014 at 12:31 PM

I hope this is allowed... I don't really post here anymore, but I do read a lot of posts.

I've just finished reading Wake by Abria Mattina (Previousl Dead On My Feet by Cesca Marie), basically, I need to be making some of these soups, and I never saved any of her recipes when the fic was being published. 

I'm reaching out to see if anyone here has copies of the soup recipes. I'm really hoping you do :)

To make this interactive, have you ever made anything from a fic? or a book. A recipe perhaps, a knitting pattern? Also...show and tell won't you :)

As a rec (because I don't read fanfiction anymore, it's an actual book): The Whispiering Skull - Jonathan Stroud; 2nd in the Lockwood and Co series about teenage psychic ghost hunters. Excellent!


Sneak Peek Monday

Monday October 6, 2014 at 9:51 AM


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Do you write fan fiction?
Sneak us a little peek at an upcoming chapter or story! It can be an excerpt, pictease, music clip, a new banner, or even a poem.
Please include the LINK to your story so we can find it after you tantalize us!


Author Spotlight

Monday October 6, 2014 at 8:39 AM

Author Spotlight- Calendar Update


The Daily Chew! 10/6

Monday October 6, 2014 at 7:08 AM


What the Fic?! 10/6

Monday October 6, 2014 at 7:07 AM


Happy Monday

Monday October 6, 2014 at 7:04 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week.The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy. 

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum.If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name


I know its late but I'm so excited...

Sunday October 5, 2014 at 7:27 PM

So, first I got into college...and now for the other new love of my life:



His name is Bison. He's such a good boy, we just adopted him.


Come show me your fur babies.


And for a rec: Puzzle of My Heart by Payton79



The Daily Chew! 10/4

Saturday October 4, 2014 at 9:40 AM


What the Fic?! 10/4

Saturday October 4, 2014 at 9:40 AM


It's Football Time Again

Saturday October 4, 2014 at 5:31 AM

Hey all you sporty, footbally, soccery, whatever sport you lovey peeps. Steelekaje is in Louisville rocking out with her DH to some amazing music. I love festivals too, but we're here today to talk weekend sports.

Come on in and tell us about your favorite teams, whether they be college, NFL, PGA, MLB, or anything else you love. Howz the fantasy thing going? rhddad has Aaron Rodgers this year. Not sure if that's working out so well for him. 

Here's our favorite little fan sporting his team colors - come on in and say hey to Jeffrey. He loves all you peeps!!!

So come on in and let's talk some smack, bb!!! And as always, GO BUCKEYES!!!


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Feed your reader (10/3/14)

Friday October 3, 2014 at 6:19 PM

Feed Your E-Reader

(mostly) weekly campfire

Please post all the fabulous deals you've found this week. And if you pick up a book from a comment inside, please let your fellow campers know you did.


This CF is open to all genres and all book deals.


And don't forget to feed the trees, yeah?


At the Movies

Friday October 3, 2014 at 11:06 AM

This week is all about Sci-fi. Come tell me what movies you like in that category. :)


The adventures of Shortbreadward and Belly

Friday October 3, 2014 at 8:46 AM

From Children's Television Workshop:

"Shortbredward is a yumpire with a cookie thirst and Belly is the girl who loved Shortbredward. The problem is that Shortbredward couldn't control himself enough to share his cookies with Belly. Will Shortbredward ever learn to control himself or will Bacob the Wolf convince Belly to be with someone who has better executive functioning skills? Find out in Twilight: Breaking Cookie! "


Share your fave parodies -- Twilight or any other fandoms...

Fic Dive of the Month~September 2014

Friday October 3, 2014 at 7:35 AM

Fic Dive of the Month
September 2014

The Top 5 lucky Fics will go on to compete for the Fic Dive of the Year 2015!


To get to previous Fic Dive Campfires for a refresher, go to "Search" on the ADF homepage.  Click "List All Tags" and select "Fic Diving."

Which Fic is your favorite?


The Daily Chew! 10/3

Friday October 3, 2014 at 7:29 AM


What the Fic?! 10/3

Friday October 3, 2014 at 7:28 AM


Author Spotlight- Camilla10

Friday October 3, 2014 at 7:23 AM

Today’s Spotlight features a respected and treasured ADF camper. Camilla, is a beta, pre-reader, translator, award winner, and writer of 23 stories for Twilight. She shares thoughts of Twilight, some surprising tidbits of herself and words that will make you smile and sentimental.


Demi Strong

Friday October 3, 2014 at 5:53 AM


This is my daughter, Sarah. It is her goal in life to work with children with cancer. This November/December, she will be shaving her head (well, mostly) and donating all her curls to Wigs for Kids. She has found a local family with a beautiful little girl recently diagnosed with stage 4 Neuroblastoma and is doing everything she can to help them.

Demi is the youngest of five and the only girl in her family. Her mom is a single mom and is struggling to stay by her side during her very extensive therapy. No mother should ever have to chose between putting food on the table and holding her daughters hand during Chemo.

Sarah's words are... "We all donate to causes, we donate to curing cancer, and a million other things. Those are all great things to do and they will help someone down the road. But this little girl right here, she needs my help now." Sarah believes in the power of a stranger to change someone life.
Anything you could do to help her change Demi's would be ggreatly appreciated.

Please feel free to share this site, tell Sarah and Demi's story and help out in any way you can.




TV shows

Thursday October 2, 2014 at 12:23 PM


Lets talk about the new shows that have aired this season, has anyone been watching Gotham? (I haven't admittedly because I've been busy with Sleepy Hollow). Speak of the devil, what about Sleepy Hollow? Arrow? The Flash airs next week. I have it set to record - do any of you? One that I haven't named? Just tell me what you have been watching.


Let's talk TV.


The Daily Chew! 10/2

Thursday October 2, 2014 at 7:59 AM

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