
What the Fic?! 5/6

Wednesday May 6, 2015 at 6:52 AM


on the shelf

Tuesday May 5, 2015 at 11:29 AM



we now return to our regularly scheduled book chat that will never go by the wayside again


Hi! What's everyone reading lately? What's the last book that you got really excited?


Fic Dive of the Month~April 2015

Tuesday May 5, 2015 at 9:49 AM

Fic Dive of the Month
April 2014

Seriously, have you had enough of me yet?!?!  I've been busy in the Forest today!

It's time to vote for your favorite stories from April.
The Top Five Favorites will move on the the Fic Dive of the Year Poll in July! 
Tell your favorites you voted for them!


Thanks Campers!


Fic Diving 5-5-2015

Tuesday May 5, 2015 at 8:58 AM

Diving Deep for Fan Fic Treasures!
Each week I will brave the treacherous waters of Fan Fiction for buried treasure. Below are the gems I've found this week!

Just one lonely little treasure this week. 
Please tell 'em you found 'em here in the Fic Dive at ADF!


Hounding for Love by EllieJacks
Bella moves to Seattle with Alice and Rose but when both her friends find love in the big city, she finds herself at the edge of temptation and disaster when she meets Edward Masen who is a self confessed ladies man. Rated M for adult content. BxE A/H

Our sweetheart Bella is tempted by this total man-tramp Edward.


What’s in a Name? By bnpwrites
Edward's got a Caddy, a lame nickname, and a thing for Jake's girl. Life is funny sometimes.

Type O Negative by quothme

When the Cullens move to Forks, Bella thinks that the creepy new kid, Edward, has freaky yellow eyes. And that he's insufferably rude. Good thing he's in love with someone else. An AU dark comedy. Rated T

Two Weeks by BelieveItOrNot

Based on 'One Week' by Barenaked Ladies. It's been one week since she looked at him, threw her arms in the air and said, "You're crazy." Edward is in trouble with his girlfriend and her parents. Will he learn to swallow his pride and overcome his fears? Will helping his sister through troubles of her own help Edward to face his? E/B, A/J This is their Much Ado About Nothing

Weather With You by MagTwi78

Long days are spent swimming in the river with your mates, and trying to catch the eye of the cute boy from out of town. It might be a hundred degrees in the shade, but we'll still wear silly paper hats and eat a big, hot, roast dinner. This is Christmas in Australia, and we wouldn't have it any other way. E/B

Thanks Everyone!  Happy Reading!


The Daily Chew! 5/5

Tuesday May 5, 2015 at 7:15 AM


What the Fic?! 5/5

Tuesday May 5, 2015 at 7:14 AM


Come out and play!

Tuesday May 5, 2015 at 6:45 AM


Hello Campers!

In order to keep our campfires burning, we need to
"Feed the Trees."


Therefore, each week we'll have a campfire with two purposes
1.  A reminder to Feed the Trees
2. Encourage some lurker participation

It will be a simple question that everyone can answer and maybe get a few lurkers out of hiding. 

We'll start out simple this week.

PS: Rangers can I get a Feed the Trees or Lurkers Unite! Tag?

Done x VHL


While The Yanks Are Away...

Monday May 4, 2015 at 10:42 PM

Our Forest is full of Campers from all over the world!  So while those in the American time zones are snoozing, let's have a little fun :)

Today is a get to know you.  Tell us where in the world you are!  Add some pics of famous landmarks, beautiful scenery, or something your area is known for.

You can give us a broad view of your country, or narrow it down to state, county, city etc.

And if you're a night owl, up with a new baby, or maybe just getting home from a big night out, come and join in as well.  Of course, everyone is welcome to sit around the campfire, no matter what time it is at your house.

with thanks to VampiresHaveLaws for letting me bring her CF back :))



Monday May 4, 2015 at 9:48 PM











word to big bird/batman out



Monday May 4, 2015 at 8:43 PM





But I have to say, if you've seen it, tell me about what you thought of the very end.


Met Gala Dress Campfire

Monday May 4, 2015 at 7:52 PM


What were your favorite looks? 


Who was your "What were they thinking?" JLo I am talking to you.  


Come inside for my thoughts but here are two (really three) of my favs. 



Happy Monday

Monday May 4, 2015 at 7:23 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week.The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy. 

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum.If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name


Don't forget the new rules for 2015. Request a guy for your birthday week + as long as he hasn't worn the crown in 6 months, you can have him!


The Daily Chew! 5/4

Monday May 4, 2015 at 6:48 AM


What the Fic?! 5/4

Monday May 4, 2015 at 6:47 AM


Sneak Peek Monday

Monday May 4, 2015 at 6:22 AM

Do you write fan fiction? 

Give us an excerpt, pictease, new banner, or song of your upcoming chapter.  Don't forget to include a link to your story!


Author Spotlight- Simaril

Sunday May 3, 2015 at 8:41 PM

Hey Campers, come and meet talented writer Simaril. She is the author of the WIP The Girl In The Meadow and is kindly sharing behind the scenes inspirations & teasers on her popular fanfics. 



Sunday May 3, 2015 at 5:11 PM

Hola Campers! It's been a while. ;) For anyone still reading Resent, check inside the campfire, I have a little treat for ya, along with some RL updates. :) 

To make this interactive; What song do you think of when you're reading a certain scene or when you think of a character? It can be from any movies or books.




The Weekly Funnies Special Edition- Outlander

Sunday May 3, 2015 at 10:28 AM

It's Outlander Hangover Sunday Sassenachs!!!

So, just for fun, here is a Special Edition to The Weekly Funnies - Outlander style!


Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos


Last night's episode 113: The Watch ended on a cliffhanger and a somber note. It also set up the eventual episode of Wentworth Prison. I'm SCAIRT Lassies!!! I can unequivocally say - without any spoiler - that Jamie survives where last night's episode left off. Well, Diana Gabaldon did write 8 books and a 9th is slated to come out soon!

So, with this campfire I'm hoping to bring some humor to the situation. Also, in my newly found obsession of all things Outlander, I've come across so many memes, GIFs, Twitter trash talk (ahem...Sam and Colin!) that I must share with all of ye lucky lassies!! 

So - come on inside and post pictures, GIFs, videos, stories, or whatever made you laugh about the Outlander books or series. And with any Weekly Funnies - anything goes humor - Outlander Style!  

A Note - For those of you who are only Twilight fans: Yes, yes, ADF was originally a Twilight Fansite. For me, I'll never, ever give up my Twi Fanfiction (I think I have 200 stories on my TBR list) or my first book boyfriend, Edward Cullen however - in this awesome forest, we can discuss other fandoms and even welcome new ones! Because of that, I was so happy to discover the Outlander book series since there are to be no more Twilight Saga books...*sigh* 


Twilight Saga Re-Read!

Sunday May 3, 2015 at 6:55 AM

Did you re-read the Twilight Saga with us?

Come on INSIDE and discuss!

We had an awesome time re-reading the entire Twilight Saga this year, starting with Twilight in January, New Moon in February, Eclipse in March, and we spent April deep in Breaking Dawn.

I really enjoyed reading and discussing these books with you guys! I was determined to read with a new perspective, and I accomplished that! New Moon was so much better than I thought before,and I really enjoyed that! I know from some campers that they had new ideas as they read the saga, sometimes based on influence from fanfic, which is so interesting to me!



I want to truly thank every camper who participated, some every week, some lurkers (HI THERE!!!) and some who read some, commented some. Whatever you did was really great, and made this project so much fun for me, and for others who were reading along also!

Precious: I think Precious was here every weekend, and I really appreciate that!

The Mominator: Thanks for your insights!

tinie432: I really appreciate seein you on Sundays!

Camilla: I love your experience, especially when you talk about Italy and being there when they filmed New Moon!

edlovesme: Thanks for participating!

burachi: You had some great observations!

KayMarieXW: Thanks for hanging in there!

april09: Loved your take on Ed's wardrobe!

Kelli_Rose: Thanks for hanging out with us!

m81170: I'm so glad you came into the campfire!

musicdaydreams: Thanks for reading with us!

mrscherrybomb: Even though you're busy, I'm glad you hopped into a campfire or two with us!

JustChill: I understand you didn't want to reread, but am so glad you popped into a campfire with your perspective!

NewTwilightFan: Maybe best line ever! "Carlisle: "My other son, Edward, left early because he's about to snack on the fresh drawn blood of a comely virgin. So sorry you missed him. Care for a round of baseball?" Love that so much!!

prstlk: I'm glad you reread the books such a short time ago and shared your thoughts!

polstar: So many people agreed about the clothing!

sanguinescriptor: I'm so glad you participated!

rhdmom: Glad you chimed in when you could!!

shc92: It was great to see you in the reread!


Lastly: Guys, this is your website. Those of us who participate here every day have a right and responsibility to have a say so in how this site is run, and what content is here. We NEED more participaton like this! 

If there is another book series that you want to re-read together, let me know! I'll gladly pop in here when it's FFA, and slap up a campfire! We can discuss any series that you guys want to!!! (It doesn't even have to be one at a time!!) If you don't want me to do it, let a ranger know what kind of campfire you want, and when you want it!!! We can keep A Different Forest a fun place to participate!



Sunday May 3, 2015 at 12:55 AM

hey campers,
in the spirit of striking while the iron is hot i want to get some new things going based on the recent feedback. and i'm looking for volunteers for the following
  • campers to take part in a new 'ask-me-anything' style campfire in the vein of 'hey batman'. basically you volunteer, give a couple of details about yourself and campers ask you questions. i will moderate and it's open to EVERYONE. even if you just want to self-promote. just silly questions, nothing probing.
  • someone/some people to make a couple of graphics for new regular campfires and maybe some winners banners for people's profiles for upcoming comps. nothing fancy. just like what we have already.
  • someone to take over the regular fic spoiler CFs the lovely Sri (i think) used to run (this doesn't need to be weekly)
  • someone to post a regular all fandom/all craft self-promotion CF (i can do these if no-one wants to.)
  • i would like to start a monthly writers corner, because a lot of people mentioned it, and hopefully some people with more expertise than me would be willing to take part
  • take the poll below
  • ETA : if you would like to take on a new regular CF that i haven't mentioned holler and we can make that happen too
Hit me up if this is up your alley and let me know in the comments if there's anything i missed. or tell me what you had for breakfast. whatever. tyfyt
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