
Update 2

Wednesday April 29, 2015 at 7:12 PM

Only because there are so many comments on the first CF already, I'm making a new one for an update.

First of all I'd like to thank everyone who has fed a tree or trees, in the last two days the numbers have increased drastically. Second I think we've come to a few conclusions:

  • A like button is good for lurkers
  • More new Rangers are required, and any who are either not on the site or don't want the Ranger duties should step aside.
  • Although it seams people aren't terribly worried about the gift cards, I'll be standing by my word and getting them shortly.
  • Batman is awesome, nuff said
  • An ADF 101 Page would be an idea.

I have personally spent a HUGE amount of time and effort on this site over the years, most of it behind the scenes and would hate to see it die - which is why when the URL dropped I brought it back as .NET personally immediately. If we can get the ads (trees) numbers up a little more and consistently that will give me the ability to start working on some new things. Though it may not pay for my time completely it will help with any infrastructure etc that is required.

I'd like to open this campfire up for public Ranger nominations

P.S. Something I started about 6 months ago but haven't had too much time to work on as a taste:

Visit on your mobile:


Hey Batman!

Wednesday April 29, 2015 at 2:12 PM

The people, or at least a select few, have spoken. Welcome to the new campfire, hey batman!


Ask me anything, post a gif, pic, or something. This "speaking in the tone of Rob Sterling from the Twilight Zone" is the campfire of imagination.


I promise you, I don't bite. I kiss the top of batdogs nose every now and then, but I'm a pretty mellow person.


BUT IF THE JOKER IS OUT THERE, BEWARE. Plus I don't like the Riddler, he's so lame, he always gives away what he's going to do in a stupid riddle.


And hey, you're awesome.


Help Desk Wednesday!

Wednesday April 29, 2015 at 11:14 AM


We here at ADF are a friendly, helpful bunch!

If you have a request for a type of story or a book,
this is your spot.

If you are unsure about something that has to do with ADF,
ask here.

If you have amnesia about a fic,
this is the place to ask about it!

If you are unsure about something that DOES NOT have to do with ADF,
ask here as well!


The Daily Chew! 4/29

Wednesday April 29, 2015 at 7:05 AM


What the Fic?! 4/29

Wednesday April 29, 2015 at 7:04 AM


Goodnight Johnboy

Tuesday April 28, 2015 at 9:05 PM

I want you, yes you, sitting there all sexy in your ratty pjs and your sweaty t-shirt, we at adf appreciate you. We love you. We may not always say it, and I could get in trouble for starting what I think we should start calling, "The Good Night" campfire.


but if I do i go down in a blaze of glory, with the words "icanhascheese" written on my back.


peace baby. see you all in my bed dreams


Help, please

Tuesday April 28, 2015 at 7:05 PM

Hey Guys, I'm hoping someone can help me find a fic. It's a couple of years old (I think) and the ONLY thing I remember about it -- because I saved it, but never read it -- is that it was based on that song by Train called "Marry Me".

I know it's not much, but I love the lyrics to that song, and it looked like the fic would be just as interesting. 


My recommendation:

Bliss by samekraemer 
A special dog at a no-kill shelter brought together two people who might never have met. There were circumstances which made things difficult, but at the end of the day, Bliss was there to lick away the pain. (Adult content. Canon couples though OOC. They may get a little dirty.) Rated M.


Update / ADIL Contest

Tuesday April 28, 2015 at 1:40 PM

Just a quick update on the contest, we've been dealing with some real life things which has kept us away from ADF and we'll get the winners notifified and get the gift cards mailed.

Now for some complete honesty, the reason I wanted to run a day in the life contest was to see if could help drive traffic at all.  Why?  Because at this point it is costing more money to run the site than it's bringing in - I will be paying for the gift cards out of pocket.  

If anyone has any idea on how to get the site more active we'd welcome it, we know we need to add some more Rangers.  Ruby has been gracious enough to help out (thank you), and we're going to need more like her.



Fic Diving 04-28-2015

Tuesday April 28, 2015 at 8:36 AM

Diving Deep for Fan Fic Treasures!
Each week I will brave the treacherous waters of Fan Fiction for buried treasure. Below are the gems I've found this week!

Good haul this week!  Please let the writers know where you found them.  Let's turn our Campfire into a Bonfire!


Drive by hisbella

Agent Edward Cullen goes undercover to bring down the Swan crew for their heists all over America and their participation in street racing. When he meets the crew leaders sister, Isabella, his path is winding and it may take his career on the line to keep her. Fast cars, lemons and a bad ass Bella! Action, crime and sexy time!

I've never seen any of the Fast and Furious movies, but if you crossed Twilight and the F&F stories, I'm pretty sure this is what you'd get.

My Beauty, Your Beast by backwardglance

Her scars are on the outside. His are on the inside. A different kind of Beauty and the Beast. OOC All human. Bella/Edward POV

Oh jeez.  This Edward...he ain't the sweet guy we know and love. Bella is a stripper and reluctantly agrees to be E's on call girl.


Cupcakes and Cars by earthbound angel 24
A Tattward and Inkella love story. Little to no angst. Give it a try. AH. OOC. Rated M for language and later chapters

Light angst and fluff. Lemony.

The Writer & The Witch by Dinia Steel

A/U AH - Three Witch sisters move from Salem, MA to Houston TX where they rent to own the ancestral home of one Edward Cullen. For some reason Edward has a dream about a dark haired beauty that he has yet to meet. Does Bella already have Edward under her spell? What mayhem will the Witch Sisters bring into the lives of Edward, his family and his friends?

The sisters move to Salem to open their own business.  Flashbacks to their lives as witches and the curse that has been cast upon them.

Vacation by AshesAshes83

A long road trip and subsequent beach vacation seems like the perfect antidote for life, but who put falling in love on the itinerary? AH - all canon pairings Rated M for language, lemons, and brief drug use (much to Edward's dismay) I do not own Twilight

This story looks like it will be a lot of fun!  The intro to Edward was hilarious!

RED by Vivian Cullen

She's is just waiting... Biding her time to make her exit... She just never thought someone would... just notice.

A depressed Bella is befriended by the Cullen family.

ETA: Already added a teaser in yesterday's Sneak Peek Campfire!

Enigma by PsychoAsh

The Cullens have experienced just about everything there is to this world, yet nothing could have prepared them for what awaited them in Forks, WA. Isabella Swan is known as the illustrious seductress of Forks High, but what secret is she hiding? And how exactly is she connected to the Cullens? (Very Out of Character)

I'll admit I have no idea what is going on here!  So many questions! It's like a freakin' Lost Episode!   I love it! The Cullen's are vamps.  Bella is....something??  Can't wait to find out!!


Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken by JadoreJAC

My entire life I'd been caged, forced to please everyone but myself. It wasn't until that summer, under the spell of the California blue and his guitar that I finally escaped. Sometimes, the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy.

Wild as the West by Lcfpam
Bella and James Swan move out west after their parents death. Moving to Wyoming, they both come to work on the ranch of Edward Cullen. See what happens when your life and love are as wild as the west. AH future lemons.


I can't thank you all enough for supporting this Campfire.  I appreciate every comment and love to hear your feedback.  Thank you so much!


The Daily Chew! 4/28

Tuesday April 28, 2015 at 7:07 AM


What the Fic?! 4/28

Tuesday April 28, 2015 at 7:06 AM


Sneak Peek Monday

Monday April 27, 2015 at 8:09 AM


Do You Write Fan Fiction?

Sneak us a little peek at an upcoming chapter or story! It can be an excerpt, pictease, music clip, a new banner, or even a poem. Please include a LINK to your story so we can find it!


Happy Monday

Monday April 27, 2015 at 7:42 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week.The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy. 

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum.If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name


Don't forget the new rules for 2015. Request a guy for your birthday week + as long as he hasn't worn the crown in 6 months, you can have him!


The Daily Chew! 4/27

Monday April 27, 2015 at 6:55 AM


What the Fic?! 4/27

Monday April 27, 2015 at 6:54 AM


The Laird's Return

Saturday April 25, 2015 at 2:01 PM



Okay I finally finished the first book and I have questions!

I have watched episode 112 and I'm ready to discuss! I will be watching again later as well. :)

I was a little disappointed that some scenes were cut short and left out...but then again we were given a very special treat during the episode!


The Daily Chew! 4/25

Saturday April 25, 2015 at 8:56 AM


What the Fic?! 4/25

Saturday April 25, 2015 at 8:56 AM


on the shelf

Saturday April 25, 2015 at 6:10 AM


What's everyone been reading lately? It's been a while since we've had this post so please share all the good, bad and average books you've been reading lately.

PS don't forget its FFA weekend! go forth and make campfires


Anyone's seen ep.12 of Outlander?

Saturday April 25, 2015 at 12:22 AM

Judging from the last relevant cf, many people here seem to watch it, so has anyone seen ep.12, Lallybroch? It's supposed to air at night in he US, but apparently the episodes of this second half of the series are also shown the night before that in the US.

I'm curious about this episode, because the second half of the series hasn't been as good as I expected, but ep. 12 was written by Anne Kenney, who also wrote the two episodes that stood out for me (3 and 7). Also, this is where we'll get to meet Jamie's sister, and that's interesting to me because I personally would have liked, preferred her even, as Claire. I like her acting and that she looks more ordinary and relatable, even that Jamie could appear in a way more protective of her compared to goddess former VS model Caitriona? (then again maybe I would have disliked the punishment scene more if that were the case). But anyway, it'd be interesting to see if the C/J relationship will be developed in this Anne-written episode, and also if we'll get parts I was dying to see in OL but never did (e.g. a Jamie who's in awe repeatedly asking questions on what the future's like). Sigh. All these opportunities for great OL fanfiction, JUST SAYING FF AUTHORS... :)

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