
At the Movies

Friday May 22, 2015 at 7:14 PM

I got sucked into thinking today was Saturday. Sorry this is late.


MUSICALS! have we talked about these before? idk anymore.



Here's mabso's fav (I'm assuming). Tell me who you love to hear sing.


Crafty Corner 5/22

Friday May 22, 2015 at 7:05 PM


Hello, my crafty campers! 

Since this is a holiday weekend in the US, I thought I'd offer you a treat you can make to bring with you to any BBQs or get-togethers you have planned for the weekend. Or you can do what I do, and hoard them all for yourself. Either way, I won't judge ;)

Today's tutorial is No-Bake Cake Batter Truffles


Come on inside and get the super-easy instructions on how to make these addictive treats. 

Based on the level of interest Tinie and I saw from our original posting, we decided this would become a bi-weekly CF rather than a weekly one. If interest picks up, we may go back to weekly. 


June 5 ~ Show & Tell Showcase / Ask Me How / Market Place

June 19 ~ Clay Herb Garden Stakes


Contest - All you need to know

Friday May 22, 2015 at 12:36 PM

There are so many contests in this fandom, its exhilarating. 


I want to host one too.

How about "Meet the Mate" contest where people would share a one-shot stories upto 125,000 words about how their primary characters met each other for the first time.

So, what steps do I need to take to conduct/host this contest?

Lets make this CF a one stop shop for all things contest. How to host them, how to bring in participation, how to coax judges into judging them? I need tips, please! 

Anyone has any idea? Come on in and tell me.

And if you don't have any idea to share, do come in and tell me about your favourite contest hosted in the fandom of your choice. 


These are the things I need:

(1) Theme - First Meeting

(2) Judges - LyricalKris, BellaFlan, mrscherrybomb, Nolebucgrl, Ericastwilight and RoseArcadia too but thats if the contest is in August. (Do I need more?)

(3) Host - Sri and AnneValkyria (Anton M. is acting co-host)? (I desperately need a co-host)

(4) Secret Keeper - VampsHaveLaws (eeep, can't believe she's doing this)

(5) Validation Team - Anton M. the superwoman and LJSummers, the super robot along with Sri and owlsarebirdstoo, the minions.

(6) Banner maker - JavaMasta and tinie432 have agreed to make banners for us

(7) Rules:

1. Word limit: 1,000 – 5,000 words

2. No offensive content (no incest, bestiality, pedophilia, etc. is allowed)

3. Beta'd stories only. If you cannot find one, contact Anton M. for emergency beta services.

4. Any pairing, any rating, any genre within the Twilight universe.

5. Two submissions and two collaborations are allowed per person.

(8) Contest email and profile -, MeetTheMateContest

(9) Score sheets, and the different criteria you plan on scoring each entry with, such as 1-5 on theme, originality, overall appeal, etc.

(10) Start and end dates for the competition - 

Contest open for entries: 27th July — 17th August

Public Voting: 18th August — 24th August

Winners announced: 31st August.

(11) Awards:

Judges choice – 1st, 2nd and 3rd place

Public voting – 1st, 2nd and 3rd place

Best Original Storyline

Best Shocking Twist

Most Swoon-worthy Character

Most Potential for a Full Story

Honorary Mention

(12) Promo pic or banner for pimping - draft in process.

(13) Solid team who pimps - we got it!

(14) We got emergency beta service provider: Anton M.

Psst, feed the trees, yeah?


Free For All

Friday May 22, 2015 at 11:25 AM

Here in the 'States' aka The U S of A

it's a 3-day Weekend known as Memorial Day

Memorial Day is supposed to be a day of observance for the people that have lost their lives fighting for our rights. 

It's not, it's the BBQ Holiday :)

This means have at it, Forest Dwellers- 


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If you're new or a lurker, here's how it works-

post pretty much whatever you want for CF"s

(there are very few rules for this. No nekkid pics and no being mean).


Free For All goes from Now until Monday at Midnight GMT

(That's you VHL + Ruby, right?)



The Daily Chew! 5/22

Friday May 22, 2015 at 6:29 AM


What the Fic?! 5/22

Friday May 22, 2015 at 6:28 AM


Fic Spoilers- WIPs

Thursday May 21, 2015 at 7:38 PM

Come on in and get chatting about your favorite fic spoilers.

This week the topic is WIPs.

Next week will be Complete fics.



Important Note: Not everyone wants to be spoiled on everything. So, let's keep the spoilers underwraps, shall we? If you don't already know how, simply highlight the spoilery bits of your post and change the text color to white. To see other people's spoilers, just highlight to make the text appear.

And don't forget to feed the trees.



Thursday May 21, 2015 at 6:10 PM


First, the Defenders is gradually making its way on to Netflix, any thoughts on that?


Second, TV: whatcha watching? The season finale of The Flash has me ticked, how could they leave us hanging like that?! And, Once Upon a Time has finally started to bore me. So I deleted the rest of season 4 off the DVR. I'm trying to catch up to Grimm now.


Writer's Corner

Thursday May 21, 2015 at 3:53 PM


Hey, everyone! What's this? Another new regular campfire!

One of the most common suggestions a few weeks ago was that a writing CF would be a good addition to the Forest.

So here it is!

This is a place to talk about what you are working on, puzzle out your problems, and just chat about writing.

Everyone is, as always, welcome to post. And, as always, hit me up if you want this to be more specific or anything.

Isn't the banner pretty? thanks, tinie!


Bondfire ~ First Lines

Thursday May 21, 2015 at 12:04 PM

Hello Lovely Campers! 

Today we're going to talk about First Lines.

We've shared our favorite passages before, now let's share our favorite opening lines of a story, novel, poem, picture book etc.

Whenever NaNo (National Novel Writing Month) rolls around in November, there's a group of previous/current Twific writers who convene via internet and we always share our first lines.  It's so much fun!

The SCBWI (Society of Chindren's book Writers and Illustrators) also hold a 'first lines' contest if I remember correctly.

When I wander through a bookstore, sometimes it's a book cover or book title that catches my eye.  Then I'll read the summary.  Then I might look at the first page.

The first few lines of a story are SO important.  

For reference, here's a link to 100 best first lines in books, according to American Book Review. And the 50 best openers, according to gawker.  And an article in SCBWI about opening lines.  

Come share your favorites.  Or if you're a writer, come share some of your first lines that you're proud of.

From a Stephen King interview:

 "An opening line should invite the reader to begin the story," he said. "It should say: Listen. Come in here. You want to know about this." 


Let's Get Ready to Rumble...

Thursday May 21, 2015 at 9:31 AM

On July 2nd, The Hot Guy Campfire

will be celebrating its 3 year anniversary

To celebrate that momentous occasion, I welcome you to 


The Run Off! Poll 2 vs 2



The Run Off is a total of 5 polls that you get to vote in


The first 4 polls will show 13 of the Hot Guys profiled in our second year


You'll get a full 7 days to vote for which guy out of that 13 you'd like to see in a nother post


The 5th poll will be with the winners from the previous 4 polls up against each other 


The winner of poll 5, will get his second campfire dedication on Monday June 29th



So come on in and VOTE!


**Thanks to all of you that participated in Poll 1. The winner will be revealed in the Final poll


The Daily Chew! 5/21

Thursday May 21, 2015 at 7:14 AM


What the Fic?! 5/21

Thursday May 21, 2015 at 7:13 AM


While The Yanks Are Away...

Wednesday May 20, 2015 at 11:10 PM


It's that time of year again, so gather around the campfire and give us a rendition of your favourite Eurovision songs.  Or maybe an insight into which way you think the voting will go.  Best performance/costumes/wtf moments from years gone by.

Plus, it's in Vienna!  So rote_kirsche is sure to have all the back stage gossip ;)


Weekly Help Desk!

Wednesday May 20, 2015 at 2:54 PM


We here at ADF are a friendly, helpful bunch!

If you have a request for a type of story or a book,
this is your spot.

If you are unsure about something that has to do with ADF,
ask here.

If you have amnesia about a fic,
this is the place to ask about it!

If you are unsure about something that DOES NOT have to do with ADF,
ask here as well!


(Sorry, the day got away from me a little. Also, feed the trees!)


Looking for Fic

Wednesday May 20, 2015 at 2:16 PM

Hi there!  It's been about a bazillion years since I've been to this site so I'm not even sure this is allowed but thought I'd throw it out there anyway.  Feel free to remove if it violates some kinda rules.


I'm looking for an old FF that has Bella and Carlisle as vampires way before finding Edward.  They pose as lovers sometimes, I think but when they finally come across human Edward they are posing as father/daughter.  Bella is in love with Carlisle but meets Edward and takes a liking to him.  They get married and she bites him on their wedding night.  She then leaves and when Edward wakes up asking for her Carlisle pretends he doesn't know who she is.  Fast forward to present day and Bella coming to visit the Cullens in Forks (I don't remember why) fleeing the Volturi maybe?  Also, I think there's some scene of them almost violently doing it on Esme's flowers?  And at the end they get married again but there's still this residual sexual tension between Bella and Carlisle?  It's only coming to me in pieces but I just can't remember the name.  Any help would be awesome!


Thank you!


Healthy FFA

Wednesday May 20, 2015 at 11:06 AM

Welcome to our bi-weekly Healthy Living CF!

It's the Free For All, people!

Come in and tell us about everything you want to get off your chest, want to share and discuss, and/or want to know more about!

Whether you've shared your stories with us before, kept an eye on this cf while keeping in the shadows, or just now learn about this, everybody is welcome!


Hey Batman!

Wednesday May 20, 2015 at 10:43 AM





Ask me anything! Tell me something I wouldn't normally know! Give me advice! Fight me (remember within the rules) blah blah blah.

This is the campfire of imagination!


The Weekly Funnies

Wednesday May 20, 2015 at 10:29 AM


Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
Welcome to The Weekly Funnies - the campfire that is for laughs and anything and everything you find funny and silly.
What's the funniest, silliest, LOL picture, GIF, video or story you heard or saw this week? We want to hear it because here at ADF, we are a humorous bunch!
Come on inside and post pictures, GIFs, videos, stories, or whatever made you laugh. Anything goes humor!

*** The Weekly Question***
When you were a child, what did you wish to be or to do as a grown up? Answer as if you could or could've grown-up to be anything you want to be without limits, what would you choose to be?

Apps, anyone?

Wednesday May 20, 2015 at 8:53 AM

And by Apps- I mean these



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On your Cell or Tablet, what apps do you use the most?

What ones do you almost never use? 


This CF is brought to you by Verizon Wireless

Why? Because I keep getting this message 'your personal storage space is low'

BUT, I only have 5 pictures saved to my phone.

The biggest space user is all the pre-loaded apps that I can't uninstall

even though I won't use them and certainly don't want them 

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