

Saturday November 7, 2009 at 5:13 PM

Hey so I'e been slacking off on my reading lately and am looking for some new FF's to read. Can I get some recs? I feel like I'm missing out on some essential reads.


Oprah better not wimp out

Saturday November 7, 2009 at 5:10 PM

I want her to ask the REAL questions-not stupid fluff ones. Sadly I do not think this will happen as Oprah lost her mojo a long time ago. So tell me fellow campers, what questions would you ask SM?
From SM's official website:

Hi everybody!

I wanted to apprise you all of a few upcoming things.

You know I've been doing the hermit thing this last year, in so far as media is concerned, and I'm not changing that now, but I am making an exception. I'm doing this for a good reason: I am so pleased and amazed and thrilled with what Chris Weitz has done with New Moon that I want to talk about it, and to show my support for him. And since I'm only doing one interview, better make it big. Really big. So....I will be on The Oprah Winfrey Show on Friday, November 13th. Check the local listings on Oprah's website to find out what time it will be on where you live.

Of course, most of the questions for Oprah will be designed for a broader audience than just die-hard Twilight fans, and I imagine people who read this site and other fansites will already know most of the answers. To rectify this, I'm going to answer your more specific questions on-line. The official Twilight Saga website (www.TheTwilightSaga.com) will be taking any New Moon movie-related questions you might have for me, and then I'll answer those most frequently asked. I'll post the answers on the Twilight Saga website and also here on my own site. Questions can be submitted to TheTwilightSaga.com from noon (Eastern Standard Time) on Monday, November 9th through noon Tuesday, November 10th. The answers will be posted Monday, November 16th—or New Moon Premiere Day, as it is known around my house. (Details about submitting the questions will be posted first thing Monday morning at TheTwilightSaga.com, you can also get more information below.)

I'm so very excited that you'll all get to see New Moon in just two weeks! Then you'll see what I'm going on about. Until then, think up some good questions for me.




One year anniversary!!!

Saturday November 7, 2009 at 2:58 PM

It's Nov. 8, 2009!!!

It's been exactly one year since I've sneaked out of the house to go buy Twilight. It's been one year since I've met Edward and the Cullens, and of course our clumsy and danger-prone damsel in distress, Bella.

I remember reading all about the awesome Twilight and that the movie is coming out in the internet. I was curious about it so I did some research, and by research I mean I went to wikipedia. At first, I was wary of buying the book... "What if I don't like it?" "What if people are just exaggerating about this Edward Cullen"  The Twilight book was expensive in the Philippines that time, and it cost me most of my one week allowance. 

I remember loving Twilight and declaring myself as Team Edward that time. I thought that Twilight is the most wonderful book and that SM is the greatest author of all time. Of course, my views were biased that time as I was caught in the hype of Twilight.

As time passes, I've read different fanfictions, read different views about Twilight and my view about the books changed immensely. 

Now tell me, What do you think of Twilight when you first read it and What do you think about it now? How did your views change about the saga? Did Breaking Dawn or the movie lessen your love for Twilight?

I think Twilight is sort of over-rated. There are so many character flaws, and there are some points in the books that  (...uhm.. how to I phrase this?.. ) would make feminist cringe. What I love about Twilight is that it sucked me into it's world while I was reading it. Edward Cullen's words and gentleman ways made me swoon. The vampire thing in Twilight is different from the usual Vampire novels,  I think it can have its own vampire sub-genre or something.. Twilight is marketed for young adults but still there are many middle aged people and even kids who read Twilight, it has the ability to cross gender barriers, which made the Twilight fandom really complex and extensive.

Being addicted to Twilight has also gained me some friends in real life.

The Hat Does Nothing

Boy-Band Fics??

Saturday November 7, 2009 at 2:55 PM

So Me & My Twi Guy Friend [Yeah Im The Luck Few]
Were Having A Convo About The Boy-Band Era.
You Do Remember It Right? Backstreet Boys, N Sync, soul Decision, etc.
Anyways, It Got Me Thinking - Which Is Always a Bad Idea.
1. Did Any Of You Ever Like Any Boy-Bands?
2. What Was/Is/Were Your Favourite Boy-Band(s)?
3. Are There Any Good Fan Fictions Where The Twi-Guys
(The Wolf Pack, The Volturi, The Cullens, a Mixture Of Them All) Are Boy-Bands?
If So Rec Them To Me - Im Craving Boy-Bands Today!
Also Add Your Favourite Song - If You Have One - By A Boy-Band.
Id Love To Hear Them!

My Favourite Boy-Band Of All Time Was;
Back Street Boys

Currently, Im Loving A Swedish Boy-Band called EMD!
Fav Song (Which Was Hard To Pick);
All For Love By EMD

So Yeah, Tell Me In The Comments!
Now Im Heading Back To The 90s (Bad Joke) & My Twi-Guy Friend ^.^


Pretty in Plaid

Saturday November 7, 2009 at 1:06 PM










Can you all see a growing trend in these photos....?


Can you


Can YOU!!!!


That's right. Our poor bbs has been wearing FAR too much plaid lately. Now let's be serious for a second and realise that the only person who actually pulls off the plaid is Rufus Humphrey. And he's gross.

Perhaps we should make a new petition for OUR MAN to get some new shirts and to stop wandering around like a lost hobo at the Hamptons. The flannel has got to go.


Who's with me?



Ashley Greene Maxim Cover

Saturday November 7, 2009 at 12:40 PM

She is HOT-girl always looks good
The Undead Bookworm

What Are Friends For?

Saturday November 7, 2009 at 12:25 PM

So, I was talking to my friend, and as usual, our conversation led to Robert Pattinson...

Me: I want to elope with a blackjack dealer!

My Friend: You want to elope with a black jack dealer and I want to elope with Robert Pattinson!

Me: What do you even see in Robert Pattinson?

My Friend: Everything!

Me: What? From his greasy hair to his Odour De BO?!

My Friend: No, there all lies! He's really funny and laid back! And at least he doesn't have a mohawk that reached the CEILING!

Me: Hey, Jackson doesn't have a mohawk anymore! And, how the heck do you know he's laid back and funny? You don't even know him!

My Friend: I actually watch interviews! And he used to have one, thats all that matters!

Me: So, that means Rob's used to looking like a girl matters too?!



My Friend: Jazzikins? Seriously? It sounds like a stalker!

Me: My behalf or his behalf?

My Friend: His behalf!

Me: Answer this question honestly, please my dear friend. HOW MANY STALKERS DO YOU KNOW GO BY THE NAME OF JAZZIKINS?

My Friend: Now... One!

Me: Well, guess how many I know who go by the name of Rob? One.

My Friend: Leave my Rob alone! He is a broken big hearted gentleman!

Me: He's been in the sack with more woman that you've have years. He is SO not big hearted!

My Friend: And Jacksons innocent?

That's a much shorter version of the conversation! The longer conversation was much more funnier (I was litrally laughing out loud) and included us sharing recent shit the tabliods had made up and complaining about how our local newspaper has nothing better to do than write about a different country (it write stuff about Robsten. Sigh.). But, I didn't want to bore you guys to tears, so I shortened it =D

Anyway back to the point! After that, she came up with these two links:

You Tube Video Of Jackson Rathbone Kissing Ashley Greene

Magazine Article With Jackson Rathbone Kissing Ashley Greene 

So now, she has went on BRB to make cakes (don't ask) and I have promised her that once she gets back I will have proof that Rob goes with girls to. And is NOT innocent!

Thats where you guys come in :)

I need pictures of Rob doing anything with a girl that might imply kissing, and if possible, maybe a picture of him actually kissing someone? The rules are it can't be movie related.

Pictures or videos, I don't care!

Come on people, and especially Jacksper fans out there!




wtvoc is up at Story Telling

Saturday November 7, 2009 at 11:08 AM


You already knew that all of wtvoc/jandco stories are up at Story Telling but NOW you also have the additional reading pleasure of ALL of wtvoc's stories too!

Must Have Been Love

Welcome Home

It's Good To Be Back

Piano Lessons (update coming soon!)

Make sure you go visit her cabin-it's always a wild time over there!



It's southern!stew y'all

Saturday November 7, 2009 at 10:22 AM

Kristens highly anticpated film The Yellow Handkerchief has got a new trailer and poster

It FINALLY got a release date of Febuary 12 2010 for the US






SOURCE and thanks to twilightsagafan and team_kbitch for the heads up


DefinatelyStaying updated at Story Telling

Saturday November 7, 2009 at 10:13 AM

VIP Author DefinatelyStaying has posted her story "A Need For Redemption" up at Story telling. It's not your standard J/B fic. But then, nothing that she writes is "standard." It's very powerful with some surprising turn of events. I got very emo at the end-you will see why.

Summary: Jasper decides to stay and watch over Bella after Edward leaves her in the woods. He sees it as his only shot at redemption for his actions – but what if she saves him as completely as he saves her? (JPOV) AU/OOC - BxJ 

ALSO-Chapter 2 of "Community Service" is up.  Oh Edward, what did you do?


Don't forget to review and swing by her cabin!





New Moon Press Conference

Saturday November 7, 2009 at 9:13 AM

 The stars attended a New Moon press conference yesterday, and now we have the audio of those interviews. 








Saturday November 7, 2009 at 7:07 AM




The Cast Invade Hot Topic!!

Saturday November 7, 2009 at 6:43 AM


Click to view full size image 









Saturday November 7, 2009 at 2:41 AM

Now, I'm a little bit of a music snob. I'll listen to anything as long as it's good and as long as it's not

A) Screamo

B) Banging shit with no definitive beat

C) Techno

D) Utter shite.

And so whilst I'm just chillin' and procrastinating exam study.. AGAIN, I was hit by a question that's been plaguing me for a while. What's your "Lullaby"

Your theme for Twilight.

Overdone songs?

Music cliches?


This is the post for everything on your inner musicians mind.

I'll start. Because I'm a critical bitch I'mma say that I LOATHE Carter Burwell's shit. Um no no no no Edward is supposed to be a VIRTUOSO. He's no Justin Timberlake. He's like the Liszt of nowadays and that lullaby sounded like it was composed by a primary school teacher. We all know that Alexander Desplat pwns his ass.

And I can't stand it when people try to describe classical music and it's obvious they know nichts HELLO every heard of wiki'ing that shit?

It really annoys me when people write a whole SONG in their fic. Good lord, if I wanted that I would google it moiself. A verse is enough.

This fandom needs more Iron and Wine.

There is a difference between angst and emo and if I ever read about a My Chemical Romance song lyric in ANYTHING. I stop reading.

I adore Music Lessons by Locqua. If you need classical and REAL classics not anything within the last 100 years then that fic is king. And you should check out Betrothed just for some Edward and Rosalie pre-twilight. *dies*

Anyone that can use a song and actually relate it to the fic is genius. americnxidiot, here's looking at you.

*And I will let you all know, I AM listening to Closer by NIN right. this. second.*

Ppps. Jack White is god.

Pppppsss... I'm a little hyper now.


Suicide King

Saturday November 7, 2009 at 12:18 AM

Can we all give a collective 'squee' over the last chapter and epilogue of "Suicide King"?  I know this is being discussed in a lot of places right now, but I want to talk about it here.

So, what did you guys think?  Neat?  Too open-ended for your taste?  Not your bowl of ice cream?  Super, amazing, uber fantastic?!!?!  Let's hear it!



Friday November 6, 2009 at 11:32 PM




Ok-so the Rangers got together tonight and had a VIP author vote. Not everyone made the cut but FOUR authors did. So without further ado, we are proud to announce the newest ADF VIP authors:


LaViePastiche, author of "Son Of A Preacher Man"

Nightshade/RacketGhost, author of "Gravity" and "Suicide King"

The remaining two authors will be announced tomorrow.

Come and congratulate these incredible authors and welcome them to our Forest!!



Friday November 6, 2009 at 9:35 PM

 B-Roll Footage released to the press!!! Check out 10 minutes of behind the scenes of New Moon!










Friday November 6, 2009 at 9:09 PM

Glitter Text Generator

Join Jess and Joe as they discuss sexual revolutions and acceptance of freakiness.



It's right HERE on the Birdwatching page.

After viewing, you can gush HERE in their fabulous forum!


kick back


and enjoy the show


Domward = WTFward

Friday November 6, 2009 at 8:11 PM

Okay Campers, it's time for a serious conversation.  I'm kinda hating DOMward and I'd like to hear what you all think.  Here's the deal:

I'm reading Master of the Universe.  I like it.  I also hate it.   I have serious issues with Domward.  He's a huge asshole.  And not asshole in the sexy-hot-needs-a-good-pussy-whipping kind of way.  I'm talking asshole in the I'm-gonna-beat-your-ass-if-you-lay-a-hand-on-me kind of way.

Now let me clarify that my only foray into the the world of BDSM (other than the weird REAL SEX specials on HBO at 3am) has been fanfic.  And the only sub/dom fics I have read are The Submissive, The Dominant, The Training, and now Master of the Universe.  So I fully understand that my sphere of knowledge is quite limited.  However, there's a common thread here that I find disturbing. 


In each of these stories, Edward, the DOM, has had some sort of childhood trauma.  Now I'm only up to chapter 35 in Mof the U, so I don't know what else from his past gets revealed.  But in these stories there's some sort of underlying emotional problem there, making it seem like the BDSM lifestyle is for people with serious intimacy issues who act out in unhealthy sexual ways.  It makes the Dom look like a sexual predator, or deviant. When these writers write these stories, I get the impression they are trying to shed light on to a little known lifestyle....but all they're doing is making the BDSM lifestyle look even more weird than it already is.

Am I the only one bothered by this?  A LOT of you really like these fics.  These stories receive HUGE numbers of reviews and have quite large followings.  But are any of you also disturbed by the use of sexual conquest and dominance as a means of acting out on unresovled intimacy and childhood abuse issues?

In M of the U... Bella clearly states that Edwards past as a Sub for Mrs. Robinson is "abuse".  She doesn't qualify his age (15 when it began) as the reason for it being abuse.  It seems to me she considers it abuse because he was young, naive and easily taken advantage of.  But how is she any different?  She was just as inexperienced!

(And I'm not even going to TOUCH how Edward took her virginity---that's a whole other post!)

And then Bella asks Edward why he enjoys punishing her, causing her pain.  His answer...

"It goes back to being 50 shades of fucked up Isabella. I need to control you. I need you to behave in a certain way…

....A bit, to see if you can take it… but that’s not the whole reason… It’s the fact that you are mine do with as I see fit – ultimate control over someone else."

He's admiting to being fucked up, and that's not the only time he's done so.

I realize that I've likely reached my hard limit.  I also enjoy the fact that I have the term "hard limit" in my vocabulary.  I honestly wonder what so many of you find so attractive in these stories.  Do you have fantasies of being dominated?  Is it just the fact that it's Edward? 

Personally, I could never be a sub.  My own personality is too strong and dominating, and perhaps I have my own issues with intimacy and control.  My husband calls me a control freak all the time.  But does that mean I want to flog him for rolling his eyes at me? 

Only when he complains about my very healthy obsession with a certain sparkly vampire and his uber-hot, human counterpart ;)

share your thoughts...


Rob Addresses Pregnancy Rumors...LMFAO!!!

Friday November 6, 2009 at 8:00 PM

“I like the story about me being pregnant,” laughed the 23-year-old British heartthrob. “It was in some Australian magazine, on the front page!”

As they’ve filmed “New Moon” and “Eclipse,” Rob and Kristen Stewart have spent the last 12 months going from “the kid in the Harry Potter movies” and “the girl from ‘Panic Room’ ” to the type of people whose every move is meticulously discussed, whether real or not. Luckily, Pattinson has the sort of self-deprecating British wit that allows him to laugh it all off.

“I was like, ‘Wow, that’s just [insane],’ ” he said of the pregnancy rumors. “And it’s not even ironic.



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