So, I was talking to my friend, and as usual, our conversation led to Robert Pattinson...
Me: I want to elope with a blackjack dealer!
My Friend: You want to elope with a black jack dealer and I want to elope with Robert Pattinson!
Me: What do you even see in Robert Pattinson?
My Friend: Everything!
Me: What? From his greasy hair to his Odour De BO?!
My Friend: No, there all lies! He's really funny and laid back! And at least he doesn't have a mohawk that reached the CEILING!
Me: Hey, Jackson doesn't have a mohawk anymore! And, how the heck do you know he's laid back and funny? You don't even know him!
My Friend: I actually watch interviews! And he used to have one, thats all that matters!
Me: So, that means Rob's used to looking like a girl matters too?!
My Friend: Jazzikins? Seriously? It sounds like a stalker!
Me: My behalf or his behalf?
My Friend: His behalf!
Me: Answer this question honestly, please my dear friend. HOW MANY STALKERS DO YOU KNOW GO BY THE NAME OF JAZZIKINS?
My Friend: Now... One!
Me: Well, guess how many I know who go by the name of Rob? One.
My Friend: Leave my Rob alone! He is a broken big hearted gentleman!
Me: He's been in the sack with more woman that you've have years. He is SO not big hearted!
My Friend: And Jacksons innocent?
That's a much shorter version of the conversation! The longer conversation was much more funnier (I was litrally laughing out loud) and included us sharing recent shit the tabliods had made up and complaining about how our local newspaper has nothing better to do than write about a different country (it write stuff about Robsten. Sigh.). But, I didn't want to bore you guys to tears, so I shortened it =D
Anyway back to the point! After that, she came up with these two links:
You Tube Video Of Jackson Rathbone Kissing Ashley Greene
Magazine Article With Jackson Rathbone Kissing Ashley Greene
So now, she has went on BRB to make cakes (don't ask) and I have promised her that once she gets back I will have proof that Rob goes with girls to. And is NOT innocent!
Thats where you guys come in :)
I need pictures of Rob doing anything with a girl that might imply kissing, and if possible, maybe a picture of him actually kissing someone? The rules are it can't be movie related.
Pictures or videos, I don't care!
Come on people, and especially Jacksper fans out there!