
Edward's music

Saturday January 16, 2010 at 11:38 AM

I was up in the attic the other day looking through my dad's old records from his 70s 'hippy' days and it got me thinking about Twilight, well specifically Edward (what doesn't)

We all know he has loads of CDs but what artists are in his century worth music collection? I think in the book he likes the 50s, despises the 60s and 70's and tolerates the 80's.

I'm thinking some Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, defo Beatles, I mean you can't have a good collection without the Beatles and I'm sure he loved Joy Division and Velvet Underground.

Whatcha think?

For all we know he could be seriously into Spandeu Ballet :D its very him. Not


So embarrassing

Saturday January 16, 2010 at 11:02 AM

I made that naked post last night. I came home from a fun night out and well-I remember getting on ADF and thinking about wanting to see Rob-porn but I really don't remember hitting the button on that rambling campfire.

Ugh. Thanks so much for not flaming me. This place is incredible. And the pics were terrific!

Special thanks to wolvesnvamps for laughing about it this morning with me. She told me not to worry about it and that the post was fun. I felt better. I have her permission to ask the following question to make this interactive so I hopefully will start to feel like less of a dork.
Tell us about an embarrassing moment in your life!

How did YOU get here?

Saturday January 16, 2010 at 10:22 AM


I don't know if this is allowed, but I'm going to take my chances. If it's not, then let's let the rangers tackle it down.



Me, myself, I was randomly searching the web and came across a site... the name of which I cannot remember, that had fanfic on it. Now, eventually, the site closed down, and I was directed over to, which then linked me to THE WONDERFUL FOREST!


Now tell me, how did YOU get here?

ranger edit: this is the kind of post we like to see!  but dude, i mellowed the intensity of that blue font.  ye gods, some of us are old broads.  be kind to our rapidly degenerating rods and cones, por favor.  :D :D :D

edit: My apologies. :-)



Saturday January 16, 2010 at 8:51 AM

Do you read fanfiction outside of this fandom? If so, what's the weirdest one you've ever read?

I just discovered the existence of M-rated solitaire FF... O.o



Saturday January 16, 2010 at 1:31 AM

What i want to know is why....

why has this particular story captured our imagination like this...

i dont normally do this...get obsessed over a story like this..

i mean for pete's like thirty something and a hardworking well employed single mom and im not even sure i have time for this...

and yet here i am every night reading these stories like they are my very lifeline that i am clinging onto...

is it because i am too old to believe in love anymore, yet too young to be able to let go of the fantasy of true love?

is it becuase edward represents some kind of imperfect yet utterly desireable male ideal i know i will never find in real life and ive given up on looking for anything close to ive decided to immerse myself within his universe

twilight and twihards are a bit of a pop culture phenomenon...its like we've joined a cult of some sort....

and ive noticed we dont have a particular profile (other than female)

like some of us are maried with kids, older kids who also read twilight, some of us are totaly in love with hubbies and boyfriends...some of us are chromically  single , there are single moms out there....some of us are in our early teens and some of us are in our late thrities and beyond

but whyyyyy? philosophically, spiritually, practically....why?

is there a profile to the typical twi-hard?

tell me why YOU are here, help me to understand my obsession!!!






Friday January 15, 2010 at 11:48 PM




naked pictures of rob needed

i want naked pictures of rob



r there naked pictures?





she doesn't love me. i would know if she loved me

Friday January 15, 2010 at 11:35 PM

know how i like to innundate this twilight world with my love for bones?

well, i thought i'd rec some bonesfics that i like.  not my own lol

brief note: a lot of bonesfics are of the "what happens when they finally admit their feelings for each other" oeuvre.

Pie omg the angst :`(

Sensate Focus pop your bonesfic cherry with this multichap

SSJL she's a peach of an author, and every one of her stories is amazing (and M-rated) (and omg woman, family man pleeeeeease)

Good Vibrations omg i've never laughed so hard while being turned on (and all of her other stories are seriously well-written)

Silent Surrender a fascinating collection of interrelated oneshots

I dare you omg i need this to update like whoa.

k, enough to get you started. and if you have a good'un, give it up.

DB/ooth for your time:


Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket


omg just waiting to get that extra-special "your bandwidth has exceeded, asshole" email any minute now


My first vampire love

Friday January 15, 2010 at 10:24 PM

He is still looking good. I love him in "24"

How have your first celebrity loves held up? Do you still love them or are you embarrassed now?


Yes to THIS!

Friday January 15, 2010 at 10:04 PM

Ok...just a quick one tonight.

I am so totally obsessed with this story, I have to share.  If you have not read Volition by Rochelle Allison, you MUST go read it now!

There's no summary on, but it started out as a one shot for the Age of Edward contest and I fell in love with it then.  Edward and Bella live in Ireland during either the 60's or 70's (not sure on the timeframe and I'm not up to par on the dates for Irish history) during the time of the IRA/Provos.  LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! 

Be sure to read it and show Rochelle Allison some lurve!


A Fanfiction Valentines Challenge:

Friday January 15, 2010 at 9:00 PM

 Ranger Emibella and ADF VIP Author HMonster4 present:

We are throwing down the gauntlet to get as many fantastic Emmett stories by Valentine's Day as possible.

This is not a contest but a compilation of NEW FANTASTIC Emmett stories celebrating

HMonster4 and Emibella's favorite Cullen.

What do we want from YOU??

Write a fantastic Emmett story by February 12. 

Submit it to stating in your summary and author's note that it is part of the

"ADF (A different forest) Happy Valentine's Day Emmett Challenge"

Send a link to your story to

And watch your fic go up at the FFn Community "Happy Valentines Day Emmett" and be PIMPED by yours truly here on ADF.

To make this post interactive,


Crazy, Funny, Angsty, Vampire, Human, Hot, Crack, Romantic


 and we want everyone writing by February 12th!



more 'lil help

Friday January 15, 2010 at 7:17 PM

My friend and I started reading Twi fan fics a few months before Eclipse was released.  We've been scratching our heads trying to remember the name of one of the main sites with Twi-FF at the time.  The site was in a blog type format (and we both believe the background was a green color) and one of the only tags we rating.  We don't remember being able to sort by author or even title, only date and rating.  I think the name was Evergreen or something like it but my friend doesn't think that is correct. 

Does anyone remember this?  Whatever happened to it?


A li'l help please

Friday January 15, 2010 at 7:03 PM



I've run across a certain term used in the Twilight fandom -- specifically pertaining to Edward/Rob -- and I'm not sure what it means.

I've put it in the comments because I'm too embarrassed to have it hanging out on the front page, so to speak.  *blush*

I'm sure someone here can explain it to me....



Friday January 15, 2010 at 4:22 PM

Cut and paste this into your comment and give us your worst! ;)

Worst TV program-  Small Wonder

Worst movie-  Gigli

Worst book -  See image below!

Worst meal you ever had-  KFC-I found a bug in my mashed potatoes.



A Disciplined Breakdown

Friday January 15, 2010 at 2:05 PM

I don't like a lot of fics. I like some fics. This is one that I like. It's different. Charlie's not a reserved cop. Edward isn't an over-confident doctor. Mike is still a douche, but in an interesting way. I happen to think the characters, especially Bella, are really well developed. 

It just hit 500 reviews. I'd encourage you to check it out if you haven't already.


Time to Hook UP

Friday January 15, 2010 at 1:35 PM

 We have twitter posts from time to time but I am using my RANGER POWER to tell you all that I changed my twitter name from

MusicSundays to Emibella1

maybe you have heard me whine like a little baby about this in the past so I just went ahead and begrudgingly added a number to MY username. 

If you are following me, DON'T PANIC (heh) it's still me. If not, click on the name and start. I'll play with anyone.

Also, I changed my userpic to this fine piece of talent.

If you see it on your feed. Say HI EMIBELLA!


In this post tell us where you hook up and are social online and WHAT NAMES YOU use. 

Any community goes, LIVEJOURNAL, FANFICTIONdotNET, TWITTER... just no personal info and obviously only what you WANT us to know. We all know we can use the ADF PM feature to contact each other if need be. 


and don't forget, ALL of you should be following ADF on twitter at /differentforest!


Interview magazine.

Friday January 15, 2010 at 12:46 PM

So, Ashley Greene was interviewed by her co-star in New Moon, Michael Sheen, for Interview Magazine.

Michael Sheen is hilarious, I suggest you read it.


Here is a little teaser:


SHEEN: So obviously you’ve developed an interest in fashion since the last time I saw you.

GREENE: You’re a jerk.

SHEEN: [laughs] Don’t say that. I’m the interviewer, and you can’t call the person who’s interviewing you a jerk. That’s the reason why I agreed to do this: I can do whatever I want. So tell me about fashion. Do you feel pressure every time you go out because you know that there’s a high chance that someone’s going to take a picture of you walking down the street? Do you feel a pressure to not dress in jean shorts and flip-flops?

GREENE: There was a moment in time where I was kind of having this mini-breakdown because it was all very new, and it was all being thrown at me really quickly, and I was going, “Why are people reporting on this? Why do people care what I’m wearing or what I’m eating, and why are people looking down on me because I’m not wearing high heels?” That’s the downside to being in the public eye. When girls come up and say, “You’re my role model,” it’s really flattering, but it’s also really scary because I’m not perfect and I’m going to make mistakes. I’ve just decided that I have to continue to live my life and do what I do. Hopefully, people love me because of who I am, not who I pretend to be.

SHEEN: Is it true that you always ask for a male body double because you have both sets of sexual organs?

GREENE: I might ask for a male body double because I have broad shoulders, but definitely not because I have two sets of organs, no.

SHEEN: Is it true that your Twitter name is HotForRob23?

GREENE: That’s absolutely not true.

SHEEN: Okay, last question: In exactly 10 years’ time, what would you like to be doing?

GREENE: I’ll be 32. Maybe having a baby?

SHEEN: You’d like to be in hideous pain on this day in 10 years’ time?

It's fairly lengthy so you can read the rest here


What is the name of the fic?

Friday January 15, 2010 at 12:23 PM


So this is my first campfire. *waves nervously* 

A while ago I read this B/E fic - I think it was a one-shot, maybe for a contest.

This is what I remember about it:

Edward, Jasper, Alice and Bella (girls and boys are bff's) are lifeguards at the local pool during the summer in Forks. Edward thinks Bella is the most annoying thing ever and can't stand her (thinks she cock-blocks him). Bella has a crush on Edward, which is why she is always hovering. One day Edward has had enough and tells her to back of, in front of all their friends. Bella is humiliated and doesn't show up at work the next couple of days. Edward goes to her house to apologize (Alice has a hand in this). He finds out that the world doesn't revolve around him, that Bella has missed work because Renee has left her and Charlie. He starts looking at her differently and they all start hanging out a bit. Everything changes with a dry-hump in the truck and B/E start getting together in secret, in his car by the pool when it's raining. Edward seems embarrassed to be with her - it's not "cool", but gets jealous when some of the other boys start showing an interest in her. Everything ends in HEA

I'm sure I got some of the details wrong, but ... that is how I remember it. I would really like to read it again, so PLEASE help me find this again. *bats eyelashes*

And here is some pretty to look at



Screw-off Fridays

Friday January 15, 2010 at 12:18 PM

K, so, I'm being completely unproductive today. I should be working... it isn't like I don't have a project deadline fast approaching. But, call it lack of motivation or something.

Instead of doing what I should be doing, I've been stalking people on twitter, reading a few ff updates, and have even been writing a little. At work. Oops! I probably should be fired but oh well.

So, what are YOU doing to waste away your day?

For your motivation, I give you lovelies:

And for wtvoc:






Friday January 15, 2010 at 11:42 AM

Jandco sent me this video, js

What are you doing this weekend?


New Moon DVD-March 20th!

Friday January 15, 2010 at 9:09 AM

With the official release date, now you can pre-order the DVD of New Moon on Amazon UK and France. There are three versions:
- one disc
- two discs Special Edition
- blu ray
The special features of the one disc version include Director Chris Weitz's commentary.
The special features of the two discs Special Edition and the blu ray edition include director Chris Weitz's commentary and over 3 hours of exclusive extras:
• The Journey Continues: A 6-part making-of documentary:
- Life after Twilight
- Chris Weitz takes the helm
- The subtle details
- A look at production
- It’s not magic
- Ready for the World

• Music Videos:
- Death Cab for Cutie: Meet me on the Equinox
- Anya Marina: Satellite Heart
- Muse: I Belong to You behind the scenes rehearsal footage
- Mutemath: Spotlight

• Fan Event Q&A with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Chris Weitz – Content Exclusive for the UK
• Fandimonium: A look at the die-hard fans
• Team Jacob vs Team Edward: The ultimate love triangle
• Deleted scenes
• Edward goes to Italy
• Edward Fast Forward
• Jacob Fast Forward
• Interview with the Volturi
• Introducing the Wolfpack
• Becoming Jacob
• Jacob fast forward
• Edward fast forward
• The Beat Goes On: The music of The Twilight Saga: New Moon
• Frame by Frame: Storyboards to screen

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