

Monday January 18, 2010 at 10:10 PM

if you want saturday school, PM me.  i'll send it.  it'll take a while to pull that shit together, but me and jandco dgaffaard.  (just guess that acronym, yo).  be patient- you'll get it.

no one has ever asked for it.  just assumed things. (okay, one person asked)

we'd send it out in a heartbeat.  :D

it's just being reworked so we can post it EXCLUSIVELY on ADF.  :D :D :D



Welcome the NEW VIP AUTHORS of A Different Forest!

Monday January 18, 2010 at 8:23 PM

 Tonight is a VERY SPECIAL NIGHT for us at A Different Forest. We are welcoming a group of fantastic writers as new



author of many stories including "Times New Roman" and "Will You Still Love Me in December?"


author of many stories including "La Canzone della Bella Cigna" and "You Don't Know Me"


author of many stories including "A Murmur of Fire in the Vein" and "The First Breath (with La Vie Pastiche)


author of many stories including "Rabbit Hole" and "The Fates (with Hmonster4) and "Breakfast at Tiffany's (with Hmonster4)


author of many stories including "Breaking News" and "The Port Angeles Players"


author of Reviving Fireflies and A War of Cynics


author of many stories including "Broken" and "Breathe Again"


author of "Bare" and many one-shots


Let's ALL give them a HUGE WELCOME as authors in The Forest!



Monday January 18, 2010 at 8:00 PM

Just to clarify, because some of you asked: No, the rangers did not pull this campfire. I chose to delete its contents. It was ranger approved approved.



Monday January 18, 2010 at 7:52 PM

helloooo forest!

tell me what about your twilight obsession makes you feel absolutely, positutley RIIIIIDICULOUS.

i'll go first:

yesterday, i met a guy who looks like MY version of edward cullen (tall, geek chic glasses, niiiice jawline, dark brown hair, science nerd).  and i turn into a stuttering idiot.  WITH the boyfriend right next to me.  i know, classy.  remember i said ridiculous?  but then i really couldn't say, "hi, you look like my mental image of edward cullen," because that would be absurdly ridiculous.  then i'd look down, we'd all be naked, and i'd wake up screaming.

annnd, go!



Monday January 18, 2010 at 7:39 PM


Does this even need any introduction?

New Chapter HERE

BRB, READING... then I will visit her cabin. You should too. 

ps. over the weekend I saw Angels and Demons. Okay. I hated the book, but I was fantasizing about Ewan Mcgregor all priested out the entire time. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR POLLUTING ME, JENNYFLY.


Your favorite Edward?

Monday January 18, 2010 at 7:29 PM

I know... I know... it's so hard to pick just one. So how about we go with top three. If you had to pick your favorite top three Edward's from a story... which story would it be?

Mine would be Edward from Catastrophic Love Implosion... cause he's all kinds of sweet.

I gotta say I love feathers Edward in Edward Wallbanger cause he's funny.

And Jandco and wtvoc's Edward from Dear Isabella cause there's something about that broken hearted boy that makes me want to give him a million kisses.

So... gimme some of your favorite :)



Monday January 18, 2010 at 7:12 PM

So, I'm in a bad way.

I'm reading Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, and I'm sorta weeping at the thought of finishing. I know there's more books after this, but still. Doesn't it just hurt when you finish a long, awesome read? You build up a home for yourself in the fictious world of the book, and it feels like you've been exiled when you finish reading.

Anyway, I need romance recs. Romance novels, I guess, but they can't just be straight up Harlequin. I like Outlander because it's also about time travel and Scottish clan life, as well as being romantic. So, err, yeah, please tell what awesome books you know of.

I hope this post is ok.


Fic Rec...from lil ole' moi.

Monday January 18, 2010 at 7:00 PM


Expectations and Other Moving Pieces by Chrometurtle.


No SMUT, LOTS of characterization, canon pairings(so far anyway) and here is the summary: Everything I had done in my life seemed to lead up to this moment. The moment when I found myself bound inextricably to a man I didn’t love, trapped in a life I didn’t want. And if I left him, I would be entirely alone.

I LOVE THIS STORY and wait with baited breath for its update (which is surprisingly frequent).




Monday January 18, 2010 at 6:27 PM

I read this fic ages ago,but i cant seem to remember the name.

All i remember is, Edward is in a band(?) possibly very young, he meets Bella they get it on blahblahblah. 

Then they both end up doing drugs, Charlie takes Bella away cos it all gets abit too wild, and riiighhtt at the end they both kill themselves.

Im in the mood for some tears and its just annoying me cos i cant figure out the name.




Monday January 18, 2010 at 6:20 PM

I'm looking for a specific type of fic.

Anything with a dying Edward and Bella please.


Interesting hand placement...

Monday January 18, 2010 at 5:42 PM

Not sure if this pic has been posted before but I came across it and couldnt help but laugh. Look at where his hand is! He looks like he is about to go for a "friendly cup!" Maybe its the angle the pic was taken from but it does look a little intimate, lol.


Reaction to BD

Monday January 18, 2010 at 5:01 PM

This is what I thought, it's nice to finally have a Disney pic to match.

bella and gaston from beauty and the beast


ranger edit lol:




Fan made Eclipse trailer

Monday January 18, 2010 at 4:43 PM

 Since I'm a huge fan of Tiffanyd666's Twilight trailers I had to show you her latest work:

An Eclipse trailer!


This girl is only 19 years old, but according to me she should be hired by Summit (along with the Smokeyfizz sisters) to teach the dudes over there on how to make a good trailer.

Anyways, this is another one she made for New Moon, which was made when the first official trailer was released:


I'll show you mine if you show me yours

Monday January 18, 2010 at 3:57 PM

 Yesterday ADF had TWO posts featuring art specifically designed for a story featured here in storytelling (Dear Isabella) AND one for our webshow Trainwreck. 

(hmmm, they both feature the talents of Jandco. Coincidence? I think not)

So TODAY I want to see YOUR ART. It can be TWILIGHT RELATED, ADF RELATED (if you can whip something up, that'd be rad) or ANYTHING really. 

It can be photomanip, a banner, or even just a picture you took or an avatar you made. I mean, this is practically a picture post. Just post something that you made!

I SUCK at Photoshop. I have it on my computer and I am USELESS with it. I can't do a thing. BUT I HAVE MADE THESE just in photobucket. Yes, photobucket. It's ghetto but it gets the job done:


 I Showed you mine, now show me YOURS!




Twilight parodies

Monday January 18, 2010 at 2:19 PM

 So I bought three Twilight parodies from Amazon a week ago and I'm currently halfway through the second one. And I'm pleasantly surprised! I didn't really have that high expectations, but they are actually quite good!

Nightlight by The Harvard Lampoon

About three things I was absolutly certain. First, Edwart was most likely my soul mate, maybe. Second, there was a vampire part of him... that wanted me dead. And, third, I unconditionally, irrevocably, impenetrably, heterogenerously,  gynocologically and disreputably wished that he had kissed me.

Pale and klutsy Belle's new to Switchblade, Oregon; Looking for adventure or, at least, an undead classmate. She finds Edwart, a super-hot computer nerd with zero interest in girls. After some stranger-than-strange events - Edwart saves her from a flying snowball! - Belle has a dramatic revelation: Edwart is a vampire. But how can she get him to bite her and so become his eternal bride?

Lemme tell you, this book was crazy! And so funny! And this Bella is totally self-obsessed and really, really strange lol. Her mum is really like a baby, and Edwart is this shy nerd who just nicely puts up with Bellas strange ideas.  I just have to write an excerpt from the book:

"So what do you think of this dress, Belle?"
I was in a stiff wooden chair in a holding cell outside the mall's dressing rooms, trapped on all sides by stretch satin. I was surprised by how quickly the other girls had broken down, offering their bodies as host to the parasitic enemy: dress clothes. I soberly realized that combat was inevitable. I would do what was necessary to protect my own species.
"It's very flattering, Lucy," I said cautiously, not wanting to reveal how much I knew.
"What about this?" asked Angelica.
"It brings out the grey in your human brain," I said as naturally as I would if she had one.
Angelica knitted her brow and gave me a wary look. Her parasite was on to me. I had to act fast.
"Angelica-- can I ask you a very personal question because I trust you as a friend?"
I tried to think of something friends ask each other.
"Do you ever worry that your white blood cell count is lower than your other friends? I mean, yes, your immune system is fine, but is it the best?"

And this is how "normal" Bella is throughout the book, lol.




New Moan by Stephfordy Mayo (Actually has a warning that says it contains adult material)

'I want to bite you, Heffa. I want to bite you very hard. I'll be gentle, I promise. If you really loved me, you'd let me.'

Heffa Lump is just a typical, pale and interesting seventeen-year-old, who doubts that anyone will ever see her true beauty. But then she moves to Spatula and meets Teddy Kelledy, an impossibly gorgeous boy who eats rare meat, is super-strong and never goes out in sunlight. Could he, just maybe - be a vampire? (Hint: totally.) A tale of first love, painful longing and even more painful pointy teeth, "New Moan" is a hilarious parody of the phenomenon that is Stephenie Meyer's Twilight saga.

I love the Bella in this one! She's totally obsessed with the idea of having sex with Edward (Teddy) and does everything to get him into bed. Edward on the other hand is either very oblivious or very afraid of losing his virginity (I haven't figured out which of them yet, but I think it's the latter). Carlisle is a world famous butcher who really likes to lure his childrens friends into his shop and then eat them (it's not as bad as it sounds lol). Bella is even more self-obsessed in this one, and her big dream is to become the main heroine in a book.


"Nothing will ever come between us," I reminded him. "We have all the time in the world" My mind drifted into a reviere, years and years of waking up with Teddy, of him watching out for me, with his large horn and his strong arms. I shook myself out of it as we sat side by side on a bench by the school entrance. "Maybe we should take it slow, I don't want to rush into anything. Maybe just some oral to begin with."
"Just talking?"
"Yeah, or that." I smile up at him. It was probably a good idea to get to know each other, likes and dislikes and so on, before we moved our relationship forward, since we hadn't really spoken about anything other than his vampire problem and our deep feelings. "So, tell me, what's your favourite position?"


And just because I found Teddys diary so hilarious I need to show you some of his diary titles:

DAY 1 WITHOUT HEFFA. People killed: 0 (Brilliant, keep it up). Cats killed: 3 (But fairly sure they were feral). Hours spent subsumed in misery: 18 (Disappointing, but it is first day).

DAY 2 W.H. Hours spent hunting: 7 (Bears 4, Wovles 7, Rabbits 18, Goats 25, People 3 - Whoops, will go back on wagon tomorrow). Hours spent subsumed in misery: 5 (V. Good; hunting excellent distraction).

DAY 3 W.H Tourist attractions visited: 1. Vampires met: 0 (Sadly). Americans met: 20. Americans killed: 0 (Go me!). Hours spent in hollow pit of despair: 9½.


TwiLite: A Parody By Stephen Jenner

Love between a teenage girl and a vampire can be a beautiful thing. Then again, it can get a little ugly. Just ask Stella Crow. Stella is a clumsy but otherwise ordinary girl whose life takes a radical turn the moment she meets Edweird. Though perfect on the outside, Edweird Sullen is remarkably unrefined on the inside. He also happens to be a one hundred year old vampire, trapped in the body of a teenage boy, who has yet to finish high school. Nonetheless, Stella is unconditionally smitten with him. But not everything is rosy in this gloomiest of towns. Edweird's enemies have sworn to put a tragic end to their romance. Against all odds, the bond between Stella and Edweird is nearly strong enough for their love to survive. Most love stories between an impossibly handsome vampire and an ungainly young woman have a magical ending. This one - not so much. 

Haven't started to read this one yet, except for the 3 first pages to see what it was like. And so far, Stella seems to be the only normal person in the whole book. Ger mum is travelling with a circus as a sidehow freak and her dad wants her to call him 'Police Chief Harley, King Of The Universe'.  I guess we'll see how this one plays out. 


Anyways, have any of you read a Twilight parody, perhaps one of these? Or am I the only one whos dumb enough to try these out lol?  (I recommend the two first btw)

Wow, this turned out to be a loong campfire!


My first time

Monday January 18, 2010 at 1:39 PM


Hey Campers! I'm new to this whole fandom. Relatively, anyways. And after reading awesome fics I decided I to try one of my own. Not necessarily because I thought I could do better (well, maybe sometimes), but because it was lurking inside my head for a long time. I was very anxious to put it out there, but it finally happened. I was very scared to do it, honestly, it was one of the most intimidating experiences in my life. A little bit like that first time. And while I'm at it I might just do some shameless self-advert Here

I just want to say that the response, small as it was is just staggering. Its a very special experience when people tell you they're touched by your story, that it made them cry (NOT because it was bad), and just generally the support and acknowledgement you get is just mindblowing. And I'm really not the sensitive type. So I want to ask you about your first time you put something out there. What was it? How was it received? If you could start over again would you put the same thing up the same way? Or have you improved so much that its just embarrassing now? 

Also, if you want to put something out there, but you haven't done so, what's holding you back?



Whatcha doing?

Monday January 18, 2010 at 1:16 PM

I have the day off today so I am playing around ADF, reading fic updates, cleaning up from our football party yesterday and planning to go out for a late lunch in a bit. 3 day weekends should be the norm!

Share what you are doing or what aren't you doing that you should be doing today? ;)

anybody bilingual?

Monday January 18, 2010 at 12:13 PM


Immediate Turn-off

Monday January 18, 2010 at 11:13 AM

Hmm so, my first campfire...wow what a great topic (eyes roll).

I don't know if it's just me or all of you, but 71% of the time I start reading a new story, half way through the first chapter/prologue, I'd immediately stop reading it.  So why is it that I do that? Sometimes, it's not that the quality of the writing is bad (OK, FINE, the writing is horrible, the descriptions are cliche and repetitive), it's what the story is about:

Mostly, I despise stories that mainly center about Bella or a main character being sexually assaulted/traumatized by (E/J/J)  in the story  but somehow loving him anyway. WTF is that?.

Does anyone have a peeve?


Twilight Convention share your experience!

Monday January 18, 2010 at 11:01 AM

Has anyone been to the comic con  with Twilight or attend the Twilight convention or does anybody plan to go? share your experiences( I would love to know what happened (^_^) ) or what you hope to do when and if you go! Also if you have been to a meet and greet :).

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