Has there been a post about this yet? If there has, I donut care. Cause I'm posting again. The bidding opened last night at midnight.
It's for a good cause, guise.
Do it for my fragile ego.
No but really, do it because it's a good cause.
I'm auctioning off two oneshots. Plz come bid on me. No one's bid on my second auction yet. Which is weird b/c that is the one I left pretty much wide open. (The other is an outtake from A War of Cynics. But you can make the second one an outtake from A War of Cynics if you want. And yes, I realize most of you probably donut read my shizz, but I need to get some bidding going, otherwise I will cry.) Here's the links to my auctions:
There's a bunch of authors up. Fellow camper Duskwatcher (author of A Litany at Dusk) can be found here: http://www.supportstacie.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=202 And Profmom72 (author of the Fates and Rabbit Hole) can be found here: http://www.supportstacie.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=153 So even if you have no interest in me, you should go check out what's there!
First campfire! Wow, two cherries popped in two days: campfires AND Bones.