
Kristen drops out of Cali?

Wednesday August 8, 2012 at 5:24 PM

Kristen Stewart is dropping out of the upcoming movie Cali, a source exclusively tells Gossip Cop.

We’ve reached out for a comment from the actress’ camp, but have not heard back.

Gossip Cop is told that Amber Heard has been asked to join the cast, although it’s not confirmed whether she’d be taking the part.

Heard’s rep would not comment.

The film, with Alex Pettyfer set to play the male lead, will be directed by Nick Cassavetes and revolves around lovers who sell a fake snuff film and run away, only to return to Los Angeles years later to rescue the woman’s younger sister from bad guys.

We’re checking to confirm whether Stewart, reportedly a producer on the film, is still involved in that capacity.

Gossip Cop also reached out to Voltage Productions, the company behind Cali.

Voltage declined to confirm Stewart’s status, but oddly noted that an announcement would be made soon.




Rupert Sanders is hounded and humiliated by the paps.
Giovanni Agnelli (Kristen's creepy ass friend) confirms RK are currently not together?
Liberty Ross is apparently divorcing Rupert Sanders
We’ve got some interesting details regarding Rupert Sanders and Liberty Ross. Apparently, things won’t be good after he cheated with Kristen Stewart last month.
A friend close to Ross exclusively tells Celeb Daily News:
“She insisted that the best thing for the both of them was splitting. She doesn’t think she can live with someone she can’ trust, but she still loves him.”
It’s very heartbreaking to know that she still loves him, but she won’t be able to live with him anymore. We guess, in her position, we would have done the same thing.
Kristen pulls out of London OTR premiere--too embarassed to appear!
Kristen Stewart has pulled out of the London premiere of her new movie On The Road because she is too embarrassed to appear in public in the wake of her cheating scandal, is exclusively reporting.
The 22-year-old actress was originally planning to walk the red carpet for the film version of Jack Kerouac’s classic novel on August 16 – but with her Brit co-star Tom Sturridge, a close pal of Robert Pattinson, already scheduled to appear she wanted to avoid the awkwardness her appearance would bring.
Kristen, an avid Kerouac fan, also doesn’t want her attendance distracting from the film itself, which she is very proud of working on.
“Kristen won’t be doing the red carpet for On The Road – she’s too ashamed to show her face in public right now,” a source revealed.
“After everything that has been said, and in light of the revelations that she cheated on Robert with director Rupert Sanders, she’s running scared at the moment.
“There’s also the dilemma of standing next to her co-star in the movie, Tom Sturridge. He’s very close to Rob and Kristen thinks it would be awkward for her to promote the movie on the red carpet alongside him.
“Kristen is very proud of her work for On The Road, she grew up reading Kerouac novels and this is a production she always wanted to star in.
“If she appears at the London premiere, it will detract people from the movie itself and Kristen doesn’t want that at all.
“She wants her performance and this film to be recognized for what it is – a great adaptation of a classic book,” the source said.
Despite Kristen shying away from the media spotlight, Robert, 26, is going to bravely face the cameras to promote his new movie Cosmopolis.
As RadarOnline previously reported, Rob will make his first post-scandal appearance on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Monday, August 13. He will follow that with a scheduled interview on ABC’s Good Morning America next Wednesday, August 15, before attending the film’s New York City screening on August 16 with director David Cronenberg.
Miss Vandelay

Snapshots Of My World

Wednesday August 8, 2012 at 5:00 PM

Day 8


It's a mabso, mabso world!

Wednesday August 8, 2012 at 4:13 PM

Welcome to Day 8!  Let's jump in...


I have never wished for something so hard

Wednesday August 8, 2012 at 3:16 PM

SO right now this is just a rumor but they're saying this guy might be city of bones Valentine and OMG!!! **cries** plz let it be true

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Jonathan Rhys Meyers..... Come to me


Glimpses of Kay's POV

Wednesday August 8, 2012 at 3:14 PM

Day 8

...from the road


NightMoves:Diary of a Nightshift Worker

Wednesday August 8, 2012 at 2:50 PM

Alot of us don't have the writing skills to entertain at the level campers are used to. That doesn't mean we don't have other skills that are just as enjoyable to see and appreciate. For the last year or so I've been dabbling in jewelry making. I've never liked spending alot of money on jewelry but think it should be fun and easily changed much like makeup or haircuts. Here's a few of my pieces, some are older while a few are made last week.


This is one of my first ADF necklaces. The tree charm reminded me of our Forest so much.


I Double Dog Dare You...

Wednesday August 8, 2012 at 2:17 PM

Day 7...


When I Look At The World

Wednesday August 8, 2012 at 2:04 PM

Day 8


Tales of a country the city

Wednesday August 8, 2012 at 11:25 AM

Day Eight


Missrebecca's Great British Travels

Wednesday August 8, 2012 at 10:20 AM

I missed yesterday!!

Not sure if there are any Geordies in the forest...but I was in Newcastle today 


What the Fic?!

Wednesday August 8, 2012 at 9:29 AM


Their royal highnesses

Wednesday August 8, 2012 at 9:28 AM

Oh that Windsor family...that was one of the topics of my daily morning chat with Jandco. We decided that a campfire was needed to discuss the very important burning questions that we have. We also want gossip! Tell us everything that you know about this wild and wacky blue-blood family.

  • Scandals! Drama! Intrigue!
  • Why does a pretty girl like Kate wear such terrible makeup?
  • Do Camilla and Charles still have wall-banging sex?
  • What do Fergie's daughters do? Does anyone actually care about them?
  • Prince William-someone needs to slip him a few drinks-boy needs to loosen up
  • Let's talk endlessly about how hot and wild Harry is


Take a Walk with Lime, Day 8

Wednesday August 8, 2012 at 9:11 AM

I live here:


and I walk everywhere. Take a walk with me!

LJ Summers

Canon Edward POV Fic List

Wednesday August 8, 2012 at 7:21 AM

So many people fell for EDWARD CULLEN.

I was one who became hooked on the Twilight Saga solely due to the voice I heard in Stephenie Meyer's Midnight Sun excerpt found on her website.

Some of us have studied Canonward for years, now.  YEARS.  Some folks have written him beautifully.

What I want (yes, this is an LJ request) is a fic list comprised entirely of EDWARD-POV.

Not human Edward (unless it's before the Spanish Influenza brought him to Carlisle), but Vampward. Canonward.  

I am looking for First Person.  I am wanting to know what YOU, the Campers of ADF, consider the very best in Canon Edward POV fics.


Pre-Twilight, New Moon, Eclispe, Breaking Dawn, Post-Breaking Dawn. We have lists for these, yes. But for this list, I want the BEST of Edward's POV only.


Show me what you've read.

The rules are the same as the rules on the other List Campfires:

1. Keep it simple.  Title. Author. Summary. Link.

2. No discussions. 

Come share your favorites around the fire!  


Midnight Sun Publish Date??

Tuesday August 7, 2012 at 11:58 PM

So, this is my first campfire ever! I hope I'm not doing it wrong & if I am, apologies in advance.

I was expecting to see this topic already posted here at ADF - I love this site for so any reasons - but I didn't find it anywhere. 

So, I just came across this little bit of information on Instagram. It seems Stephenie Meyer actually does have some form of social media? Did anyone else know this? It appears legit to me but these days, I'm very cautious. Ashley Greene follows her on there & her stuff is set to private...who knows. Anyone? Bueller?

But the bigger story:

She said here she was going to publish Midnight Sun in mid-2013!!!

I am new to Instagram - a camera app for a mobile device - have it on my phone & iPad but can't get it on my PC (can you get it on your PC, Macs?). So, the only link I can give would work are these...there are 2 pictures on there. I am trying to post it all, but if it doesn't come through..again, apologies.

I hope these links work but if they don't I'll post what's on there below the links.

1st post (dated 2w ago):

stepheniemeyer "I've been wondering if I should finish Midnight Sun. But here's a first sneak peak at the Cover Art. Tell me what you think."


2nd post (dated 1w ago):

stepheniemeyer"Another Design for Midnight Sun. I've decided to Continue and Release in mid- 2013."


The crazy thing is, it seems she posted these 2 weeks & 1 week ago? Wouldn't we have heard something legit about this? I even checked out her website (haven't done this in ages - had given up on the MS publishing) and there's of course nothing there.

Has anyone else heard about this or is it just another one of those make believe, wishing for the impossible stories out there?


Look, look into my eyes!

Tuesday August 7, 2012 at 10:02 PM

Special thanks to John and the Rangers! You guys rock!!! :D

Day 7

I Spy With My Little Eye

Tuesday August 7, 2012 at 9:48 PM

Day 7



Tuesday August 7, 2012 at 9:33 PM

Day 7

Miss Vandelay

Snapshots Of My World

Tuesday August 7, 2012 at 9:20 PM


Day 7 


Just Keep Swimming: The Diary of a Dori Fyshe

Tuesday August 7, 2012 at 9:20 PM

Just Keep Swimming: The Diary of a Dori Fyshe

Day Seven — The Art of Nekkid People

I had a blast in San Francisco, California, today at The de Young Museum.
There was so much to see, so much to share, but I'll start with what seems to be an
obsession artists have—nakedness. They 
flock to the human form in all its glory.
Too bad none of the haters will get to see the nakey! *waggles eyebrows*

**Warning** This CF contains explicit material.

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