
My First Campfire!

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 8:01 PM

I just found out recently that I'm pregnant  - Baby Number Three. YIKES! This wasn't planned (I had an IUD in place) and I'm nervous, scared, happy and sooooo SICK! 

All day nausea sucks! I had anti-nausea meds with my other two and hope to get some soon but my doctor is away for another two weeks!

Hit me up with your best tips for quelling the quesies! PLEASE!  If something works, we'll name the kid after you!

Hey - speaking of - why not hit me up with some boy and girl names while you're at it!

My top boy name is Ethan and girl name is Charlotte - LMAO both names from my fic. I figured it I wasn't having any more kids at least I could enjoy the names in a story LMAO!



Smile because it happened

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 7:47 PM

Day 18:  First full day back at home means getting to the grocery store & laundry. But it also means discovering that all the rainfall while we were gone has replenished the rain barrel!! YAY!


My Crazy World Through My Eyes

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 7:44 PM


Day 18


I Double Dog Dare You...

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 7:22 PM

Day 18...


From the World of Punk the Fairy

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 6:14 PM


Missrebecca's great British travels

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 5:35 PM

Still on my friends phone so no fancy Pics lol


The Mysterious Life....

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 5:06 PM


Day 18: Moving Day


Tales of a country the city

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 4:38 PM

Day Eighteen


It's a mabso, mabso world!

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 4:37 PM

Welcome to Day 18!  Let's follow the path and see where it leads us...


The randomness form my random eye!

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 4:34 PM

Guess what I did on my day off.... worked! Yes, I got called into work today. So no free Saturday for me. Come join me on my day.


About writing.

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 4:08 PM

Hello dear campers!


As you may - or may not - know, i'm french.

Thus, I'm quite familiar with the French part of fanfiction. I started reading that a looong time ago, but quicky focused on english fanfiction because the writing was so much better, as was the plot lines. 

But I recently started writing again for french fanfiction, and I reconnected with the fandom.

Tonight - two hours ago - some reader rec'ed me a fiction written by an author I didn't like : her fictions were basic - expected plot, extremely cliché, and irrealistic fantazied situations. And the writing was not that good - Not bad, but there were lots of errors, and the expression in itself didn't break a duck leg (french expression translated: this may no make much sense for you. Sorry!).

But she rec'ed it, saying it was amazing and mysterious and blablabla. So I tried it out.

Epic. Fail.

Firstly, the plot. Bella is in a cabin, and meet dark and mysterious Edward while it's raining. He has nowhere to go, she's adamant on letting him stay with her. But the sum up says he's full of secrets she has no idea about (...). Okay. We've read about it a thousand times, but okay. 

I hit the first chapter. God. The first words? Edward POV. They are at Bella's cabin, talking like old friends who just reconnected, and he's internally amazed by how well-furnished Bella's kitchen is. Seriously. 

And then, Bella has to restrain herself not to jump him because she's almost in love with him. Like, seriously.

That's where I draw the line.


So, I would like to raise some questions.

Firstly, If english isn't your first language, do you think the english section of Twilight FF is far more diversified and filled with real talented writers than the section of your own language?

And why is that? Why french fictions are so bad, when english are so good?


The other thing I'd like to raise is the "Caracter POV" mention. 

I hate that. When a fic starts like that, to me, it's a sign of a poor writing. There are exceptions, of course, i'm talking about the most part.

So, why does an author feels the need to mention whose POV it is? A reader should be able to guess who's talking, if the writting is good. Or is it really necessary?

But when an author mentions whose POV it is, it's often because the author alternate POVs. In different chapters, I don't really mind (if Edward POV doesn't tell us the  exact same thing (unfortunately, that's what happened most of the time) that Bella's did). But in the same chapter? Ugh. Why not use a third person, then? That way, the author can tell us anything he wants - toughts from anyone, actions, reactions, whatever. And then, there are the authors who announce some big news, and then alternate different point of views to show everyone's reactions - in one line. 

So, how do you see it? What do you thing about the POV mention?


And even if it's FFA, I need to rec Dusty again, because this week update was phenomenal. Is there anyone who doesn't read it? Well, you need to read it!


Tanya and the guy Halawia (sp?) likes

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 3:26 PM

So I'm watching, quite by accident:

Lesbian Vampires Killers

I can't stop laughing hahahahaha.  It was on television and I couldn't look away.  Wine helps.

Is this the actress who plays Tanya and that Welsh guy from Misfits?:

What's your favorite rubbish film?  B-film?  Unintentionally funny film?  I still gotta see Snakes on a plane...




Just Keep Swimming: The Diary of a Dori Fyshe

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 12:14 PM

Just Keep Swimming: The Diary of a Dori Fyshe

Day Eighteen — The World is So Small, China is in America!

One of my favorite places to go in San Francisco is Chinatown.
It's not China, obviously, but it's a cool little taste of an
entirely different culture right there in my backyard.


My World...

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 11:08 AM






What the Fic?!

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 10:28 AM

Lulu M

B2s Fundraiser Pledge-a-thon w/ Lady Gwynedd

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 9:17 AM

Pledge-a-thon with Lady Gwynedd

Who? Lady Gwynedd 
What? Pledge-a-thon with a Trivia Game
When? August 18 at 2pm PST
Where? PTB Chatroom
Goal? $200

Want an outtake written by Lady Gwynedd? All you have to do is pledge to donate a minimum of $5 to an education charity, and join us on August 18 at 2pm PST for a live interview and chat.

During the live interview, we will also hold a Trivia Game where the winner will receive an illustrated and signed hard-copy of their choice of Lady Gwynedd's stories.

>>> Fill out a pledge form! <<<


1. Fill out the pledge form.

2. Join us on August 18 at 2pm PST for a live interview, chat, and Trivia Game with Lady Gwynedd.

3. Donate to an education charity site listed at:

4. Be sure to forward your donation receipt to BEFORE 4pm PST on August 18 in order for your pledge to be counted.

5. If our goal of $200 is reached, all the pledgers will be directly emailed an outtake written by Lady Gwynedd.

6. When you forward your receipt be sure to include that you pledging on behalf of Lady Gwynedd's Pledge-a-thon.

Posted with permission by LJ Summers 


Original Fiction, anybody?

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 8:59 AM

I've never done a campfire before.

I've been following the P2P discussions and I've been fascinated by the range of reactions.

Personally, I've posted a fair amount of twific on ffn, and a few OF's elsewhere, and it's very very clear that the twific gets far more readers - in my case I'm talking double figures per night when I'm lucky, and triple figures if I post an update (for the twi stories) - as opposed to no readers whatsoever over a period of months for the originals - ha ha!

However, that's my point.

How on earth does a writer lure anyone to read their OF?

Critics of P2P are very vocal in saying writers should be original - but are any of the story-appreciators out there actually looking at sites like fictionpress and twcs?

If writers are taking shortcuts in not having to fully draw their characters and their settings - are the readers taking shortcuts as well?

Here's my rec: 

Twisting flames

"Friday night at the Dog’s Bollocks on King’s Road. By closing time there are only ever two outcomes for me - one is I walk out of there drunk, and on my own. The other is that I walk out of there drunk, with a girl on my arm. I’m not fussed which of them it is to tell you the truth, as long as it’s not weeks and weeks in between occurrences of the second type."

Callum Fraser is about to meet the first girl who doesn't fall over backwards at the very sight of him.

And Inia Reddick is about to discover that London, late nights, indie rock and an unlikely maths tutor all make for a very potent mix."


You've never heard of these people, I made them up.

Shameless self-promotion. Is that okay, Rangers?

it's freeforall, babydoll. of course it's okay!


Take a Walk with Lime, Day 18

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 8:44 AM

I live here:


and I walk everywhere. Take a walk with me!


Glimpses of Kay's POV

Saturday August 18, 2012 at 1:13 AM

Day 18

...of Cornwall








The Mysterious Life....

Friday August 17, 2012 at 11:51 PM


Day 17: All With A Baby On My Lap

First --- | >> | 570 | 571 | 572 | 573 | 574 | 575 | 576 | 577 | 578 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
