
Let's go back into the way back machine

Monday September 14, 2015 at 12:28 PM

so I just got an email announcing that I can pre-order the 10th Anniversary Edition of Twilight, available with additional content.

mic drop

10 years?

How is that possible?

Also, I did chuckle on the outtakes.  It never fails to feel like she's 'learning' from fandom :)


The Daily Chew! 9/14

Monday September 14, 2015 at 7:03 AM


What the Fic?! 9/14

Monday September 14, 2015 at 7:02 AM


Happy Monday

Monday September 14, 2015 at 6:23 AM

Filling in for Mrs. CB while she braves the wilds of the Pacific Northwest!
I'm so jealous!

Gawd!  I can totally see why she volunteers for this Campfire!  So many good pics it was hard to choose which to post!

Remember, please don't yuck anyone's yum and posts can only be about our currently nominated guy.


Sneak Peek Monday

Monday September 14, 2015 at 6:13 AM

Do you write Fan Fiction?

Give us a Sneak Peek of you next chapter or new story!

Please don't forget to leave us a link!


Author Spotlight- Vancouver-Canuck-Girl

Sunday September 13, 2015 at 7:28 PM

Hi Campers, sorry it's been awhile- but back on track with the talented author Vancouver-Canuck-Girl. Come on by and say hello :D 


Sunday Classic Fic Read-along

Sunday September 13, 2015 at 9:56 AM

Today we are discussing Scotch, Gin and the New Girl by Jandco and WTVOC.

Les Liaisons Dangereuses, je crois. We were Cruel Intentions. We are Gossip Girls. We do not care. At all. All-human.


Come inside to discuss it!

Little is known about the reclusive authors of this classic fic. Rumours swirl of stalking injunctions brought by Colins Firth and O'Donoghue, and some police officers have expressed concerns about whether they pose a risk to other Colins worldwide. Jandco is thought to have taken up yak farming in Mongolia while WTVOC has started to host 50 shades of grey sex parties for retirees in Florida.


Upcoming classic fics to read:



  • Mr Horrible by Algonquinrt  to discuss on 11 October. This is not on ff, but you can find it on AO3 here  or on perusing the shelves or pm me specifying your preferred format



Avocados are not beard friendly

Sunday September 13, 2015 at 4:15 AM


I think this deserves its own campfire. Rob Pattinson has given a very good interview to the Observer Magazine discussing Fame, Life, Internet Trolls & MORE. It is one of his best ever, thanks also to a sensitive and well prepared journalist. On robsessed there is a full transcript if you want to read it

In the meanwhile his film "The Childhood of a Leader" , directed by Brady Corbet, got two Lions at the Venice film festival. The drama took the Best First Film prize as well as Best Director. Rob has only a small part in it but he is unrelentigly pursuing talented directors to work with and this time his choice paid off. Here is a report on the Festival in English

I don't remember if the Free for all rules are the same but I have no problem leaving a review. I love the story and I am terrified by it.

Edward had always warned Bella that the pack were dangerous. Hostile, volatile and aggressive in nature. She ignored him, testing even Edward's own vampire instinct by staying friends with his enemy, Jacob. One event will change them all, Bella never truly understood the supernatural world, the reality of a vampire protecting his mate. WARNING: Character Deaths, Violence.




The Daily Chew! 9/12

Saturday September 12, 2015 at 10:38 AM


What the Fic?! 9/12

Saturday September 12, 2015 at 10:38 AM



Saturday September 12, 2015 at 7:39 AM

Hi football campers. It's the first weekend of NFL and the more college games. Come tell me who you love, hate, root for, root against, and all that jazz. This is a football campfire but any sport will do, I'm easily talked into rooting for teams (except Ohio State).

A nod to my boys taking on Jerry Falwell's brainwashing academy.

WVU football photo: wvu acf907f9.gif


A nod to my men who lost to the Cheatriots by one TD.

Steelers photo: Steelers Steelers-2.gif


At the movies

Friday September 11, 2015 at 2:38 PM

We have probably talked about this before but tearjerkers! The Vow made me cry, I wish it would have had more than just an obscure ending though


The Daily Chew! 9/11

Friday September 11, 2015 at 7:05 AM


What the Fic?! 9/11

Friday September 11, 2015 at 7:04 AM


Bondfire ~ Crush Confessions

Thursday September 10, 2015 at 6:48 PM

Hi Everyone,

This week let's talk about our Celebrity Crush Confessions.

For example, when I first watched the BBC version of P&P, I was in my early twenties.

I watched it with my mom, of course, because we both adore P&P. 

All I kept saying is why is this person playing Darcy?

Darcy is supposed to be handsome!

My mom said nothing.  I realize it's because because she didn't agree with me.

Well, as I got older, I grew to be quite fond of that actor.

You know, Colin Firth.

Well, it's CF's birthday today.

Let's celebrate his birthday by telling each other our Celebrity Crush Confessions!

Who do you want to confess to crushing on?  Who has grown on you over time?

Who has grown into his/her looks?  Or just plain charms the pants off you?

Feel free to add pics. 

And a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our king!


Comic camp!

Thursday September 10, 2015 at 4:52 PM

So, if you could meet one superhero in real life who would it be?





The Daily Chew! 9/10

Thursday September 10, 2015 at 7:37 AM


What the Fic?! 9/10

Thursday September 10, 2015 at 7:36 AM


Hey Batman!

Wednesday September 9, 2015 at 3:07 PM

Ask me anything, tell me your troubles, share something, etc.


Today I've been trying to draw on my bamboo tablet and let's just say, paper drawing is much more controlled. Easy, that sort of thing.









Help Desk Wednesday!

Wednesday September 9, 2015 at 11:01 AM


We here at ADF are a friendly, helpful bunch!

If you have a request for a type of story or a book,
this is your spot.

If you are unsure about something that has to do with ADF,
ask here.

If you have amnesia about a fic,
this is the place to ask about it!

If you are unsure about something that DOES NOT have to do with ADF,
ask here as well!

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