Change in schedule for the read-along!
People have been finding it hard to read along in time to discuss one fic per fortnight (that's two weeks for you Americans; I can't believe you don't have the word fortnight). Last week some people gave sensible suggestions to split fics up into two.
Therefore I'm rescheduling:
First half of Mr Horrible 11 October (chapters 1-17 inclusive)
Second half of Mr Horrible 25 October
Mr Horrible by AlgonquinrtThis is not on ff, but you can find it on AO3 here or on perusing the shelves or pm me specifying your preferred format. Mr Horrible is one of my favourite fics and very funny. It has James as a drag queen and Emmett as a conspiracy theorist. Summary: They meet at a gallery, from two different worlds. Watch as they learn… oh, who am I kidding here? They meet. They are opposites. They attract. Rated M for serious potty mouth and scenes of the citrus variety.
First half of I Hunger for Your Touch on 8 November (chapter 1-25)
Second half on 22 November (this is a long fic even so!)
I hunger for your touch by jmolly; this is on FF. Summary: The Cullens thought Edward would never grow up, but marriage to a determined human girl,& a trip to Brazil, alter him forever.On his honeymoon,Edward finds more than love,friendship, self-acceptance,& an ability to lead.He embraces a future. Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 50 - Words: 586,951 - Reviews: 1697 - Favs: 616 - Follows: 294 - Updated: May 25, 2011 - Published: Jan 4, 2010 - Edward, Bella - Complete
Then there will be a Christmas classic. Any ideas for that?
Hope this is OK with everyone.