
Fan Fiction Weekly Sneak Peek

Monday March 1, 2010 at 3:36 PM


Do you write fan fiction? Want to show a peek of what's to come in your upcoming chapters?


Post excerpts from your story and don't forget to include a link! :)


i'm so proud of our VIP authors!

Monday March 1, 2010 at 3:04 PM

the twilight gift exchange


what is it?  (click on the sparkles to get to the LJ comm)  essentially, people sign up to anonymously answer someone's prompt, and they get their own prompt answered in return.  just like it sounds, doy.

but it's been pointed out to me that several of the forest's VIP authors were included in the winter 2010 round, so lettuce celebrate by reading and reviewing their stories, gents!  the reveal just opened up today, so look out for our authors posting these stories both here in the storytelling section, on their ff.net pages and on other websites, i'm sure.



hmonsternumber (some of which are already up here in the foreset! ^^^^^ )


ruby wednesday who could hang a name on yoooooou

lillybellis the grape pervert omg if you want a laugh, look at my recent reviews for rhapsody and intersection on ff.net


now go and support our VIP authors!





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Time on me is wasted time.

Monday March 1, 2010 at 1:02 PM

OK, so my hubby and I have been having re-donckulus arguments about my love for R.Pattz.  You see, I was vaguely aware of him in HP 4...at that time my heart was all over the actor who played Victor Krum and of course, Dan. Radcliffe had THAT bath scene [ok, i'm a weirdo. you got me.]..ok. right...veering off track, so back in the day when I saw the Twilight trailers, I was less than impressed with the casting - really? K.Stew? Really?

Anyway, I re-read Twilight at some point - watched the movie and suddenly found myself irrevocably [snicker] in love with R.Pattz. although he seriously pisses me off [but that's a whole other post]

So, RIGHT...the arguments about the R.Pattz obsession is simple - he is NOT that good looking, ok I will concede...he doesn't ALWAYS look lovely..so, I do kind of have a few different Edwards in my head. Also Bella.

Let's start with Edward - WHO IS YOUR'S?




Monday March 1, 2010 at 12:32 PM

I just ate a grapefruit and now I non-stop drink a water... and just ew... It' a gross. I have a prejudgment to everything that's bitter. Ew, ew. ew. So I was wondering what's the worst food that you ever ate? What wouldn't you eat even if you got money for it? I would never eat worms... or spiders... or something like this. Ew.

And just so you wouldn't have to think only about bad things:

Eww... xDSee? Rob doesn't like grapefruits, too xD.




MORE Rob... this is killing me

Monday March 1, 2010 at 12:05 PM

Okay, so this happened when New Moon came out... ROB does all this press and all the stuff floods the internet, and then I watch and obsess over it all, and then I die.

IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN!  The man is trying to kill me.  Someone call the cops.

Have 30 Minutes to kill?

Here's 9 minutes of Rob Heaven (or Hell, depending on how you see it...) followed by two behind the scenes videos from the REMEMBER ME set. 

behind the scenes...



Let's Discuss This....

Monday March 1, 2010 at 11:07 AM

So with all this exciting new promo stuff for Remember Me starting to be all over the place, it got me thinking about another exciting thing...


So my lovelies...any predictions? What do you think will be included? Will it focus more on Sharkboy or try to play up Edward/Bella/Kristen/Rob?

I personally hope to see me some of Confederate Jasper. :)


And...this just made me laugh:




ROB on Access Hollywood

Monday March 1, 2010 at 10:11 AM

I swear this dude is determined to completely distract me from the TON of work I need to do today...

(Rob, you're plan is working--for NOW--but I'm on to you!)



Rob talks about vaginas in this one lol....


A Little Crazy

Monday March 1, 2010 at 7:48 AM


A Little Crazy just posted it's second chapter!!!


Monday March 1, 2010 at 7:37 AM

I totally missed this because I had to drive my daughter to school this morning (she missed the bus).

The sound is crappy....but when a better video becomes available I'll try to repost...




here's a better version...


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Jackson Interview

Monday March 1, 2010 at 7:34 AM

I apologise if this was posted already.

Get some new glasses my dear.

Are you excited to see Jackson in Eclipse and The Last Airbender?


Sniffles, tissues and overbearing parents

Monday March 1, 2010 at 7:22 AM

I'm ill and getting it from all sides today, CANNOT believe I had to move back home.

As I'm sure you can see I'm not in a good mood, so I come to you guys to rec me something so funny I don't care that it's making my throat worse!

I just finished Brighter Than The Sun last night and that pushed my pissy mood over the edge.  I don't think I've ever read anything that makes me laugh like this fic, so noticing it hasn't been updated for a while makes my head hurt because that last  chapter... Anyway, can I get some help please?  I think you can tell I'm in dier need.

I'm new here, just joined, so im no to sure how to offer up treats of the Pattinson variety, but once I can I will :)



Mini skirts, ties, and illegal substances

Monday March 1, 2010 at 1:27 AM

Okay, so I'm really craving one of those stereo typical drugs/sex/alcohol boarding school fics. I've read Scotch, Gin, and the New Girl as well as Into Your Head (which was sadly taken down) and I tried The Elite, but its Em/Alice which I just cannot do (even though I REALLY loved the 1st chapter). So...can someone rec me a good boarding school type Twific?

For your time:

And because I'm a kiss up at times...

P.S. weird title is because its 2.30am and I couldn't think of anything better besides "Help?" or "Looking for a fic"


Growing Up Cullen

Sunday February 28, 2010 at 9:55 PM

Have you read it? Do you like it/hate it?

I personally LOVE IT !!! ITS TOO DAMN FUNNY!

If you have no idea what I'm talking about here you go (I got this from yahoo answers cause I'm too lazy to write it lol):

"Growing Up Cullen is basically a parody of Twilight made up between two livejournal users shooting IMs. It portrays Edward as very prudish and pissy, Emmett as trouble-making, Jasper as Emmett's sidekick, Alice as trying to help Edward but cannot stand him sometimes, Rosalie *rolling her eyes* frequently, and Esme as the defender of Edward when he does gay things. It is absolutely hilarious.

The name "Growing Up Cullen" came from when one of the creators said that they should make a reality show based upon the tragic life of Edward Cullen called "Growing Up Cullen." "

Links and links:

Part 1: http://oxymoronassoc.livejournal.com/462027.html#cutid1
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:


Whoever hasn't read it.. what are you waiting for!? Get ready to laugh!!
And if you've read it comment away! Most memorable lines? Icons? Do you wish they would continue writing it?


For your time...




Sunday February 28, 2010 at 9:55 PM

Okay so normally I'm not a muscle kinda girl,so when I came across these  little gems, i became a convert. I like em a little lankier none-the-less I always thought he was a hottie but, DAMN!!!





Not just an artist

Sunday February 28, 2010 at 9:46 PM

But she's a great writer, too!


BLOODLUST by kalejay  updated. :)





Sequel to 'MIDNIGHT DESIRE' being posted!

Sunday February 28, 2010 at 9:11 PM

Okay, so back in the heyday of Twi-fic, an awesome little story called 'Midnight Desire' was posted. It started out as a quiet little story, but didn't take long to garner a lot of attention and huge fanbase. It posted from July '08 to April '09...holds a special place in my heart because at the time I started a forum for it on Twilighted.

Anyway, for fans of the Monster, I have good news- Twilightzoner is continuing the story, and posted the first chapter on FF.net today. I bring you:


The continuation of Midnight Desire and ExB's, er, growth and explorations. The monster comes along on the journey, too! Mature Audiences Only.


i have a question

Sunday February 28, 2010 at 8:34 PM

 what is with the random words that are underlined here in a different forest? is it like advertising? are they links?

i'm just asking 'cause they're kinda annoying...



Sunday February 28, 2010 at 7:23 PM


It's Sunday Night and I am going to declare this 


Officially OPEN

Come on in and thank someone for something.

I thank CANADA for hosting a kick-ass olympic games

I thank EVERYONE who participated in the Pay It Forward Campfire

I thank hmonster04 for being my sister in all things Emmett

I thank my fellow Rangers and all of the campers

Feel free to leave a pretty picture or a song, this is a big ol' thank you card, after all!


For the Kellan girls of ADF

Sunday February 28, 2010 at 7:18 PM

Couldn't find any new Rob pics to post; Jenny already took care of that a few campfires earlier. So here's some Kellan for all those who fap to pics of him. I prefer my men paler, lankier, and paunchier.



Rob Interview

Sunday February 28, 2010 at 6:48 PM

This follows the video interview from Collider.com with Rob about Remember Me.


Robert Pattinson Interview REMEMBER ME

by Gabrielle Compolongo

Yesterday I attended a roundtable interview with Robert Pattinson for his upcoming romantic drama Remember Me. I’m a new writer at Collider and it was my first time attending a press junket and participating in a roundtable interview.  Let’s just say it was an interesting experience. Anyway, in the coming days, expect more from the junket and I’ll also be contributing TV and film news.

Since Rob was there to talk about Remember Me, I was only able to get a small bit of information for you Twilight fans. But about Remember Me, Rob was very passionate about the film and seemed very eager to dive deep into his character, Tyler Hawkins. He spent a lot of time unfolding the elements of Tyler, and discovering how much he had in common with him.  Hit the jump for everything Rob had to say.  Remember Me gets released March 12.

And if you missed the movie clips we posted from Remember Me, click here.  Also, we should be adding the audio of the interview later tonight or tomorrow.  Check back if you want to listen or download the audio.


The interview is in the comments section because it's too damn long to put on here.

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