July marks the 3rd Anniversary of the Fic Dive!
We've read 119 new stories in the Fic Dive this year and I've compiled a list of your favorites.
I've included the date that each story was originally posted. I had to go back and refresh my memory on some of these, and I'm so glad I did. I'd hate for great stories to get overlooked because they aren't fresh in our memories. Please take a few minutes to go back and review.
You can find a full list of all Fic Dives by clicking on the "Fic Diving" tag shown in the bottom right corner.
Spread the word and encourage everyone to vote!
Voting Rules:
1. You can only vote one time, but can select as many Fics and you want, so make sure to check all of your Favorites!
2. You may write in a story that is not in the Top Favorite list, but it must have been Rec'd in the Fic Dive between July 2015 and June 2016.
3. Voting will end at Noon Eastern time on Wednesday, July 27th. Results will be posted asap.
My sincere THANKS to all of you for supporting the Fic Dive Campfire!
You're the best!