Happy Valentine's Day, Campers!
I've had an irregular schedule for Bondfires and am posting one on a Sunday anyway.
This week, I just finished re-reading Thimbles' Terroir.
It's a lovely Twific set in Austrailia.
This morning while waiting for my allergy meds to kick in, I re-read my favorite sections of Gayle Forman's Where She Went.
(starting from the bridge scene on)
So, I thought today we could post about some of our favorite love stories. They can be novels or FF, just add a link for us.
Special shout out for fics with Austrailian main characters as I'm a bit immersed in my head with Thimbles' characters.
(Or I may just re-read Suzanne Carroll's Over the Edge. AKA Windchymes)
MABSO--Please get in this CF and rec me some fluffy Australian love story when you wake up!